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Coelenterate Fuccboi

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Everything posted by Coelenterate Fuccboi

  1. That’s ok, other dudes on the internet proclaimed aggy would fall flat on its face in regards to recruiting this year. It’s obviously not a exact science.
  2. I’ll wait for 6th Street to chime in before answering so I don’t reveal what an idiot I am.
  3. Well, Miss America is on your side. https://themessenger.com/entertainment/miss-america-grace-stanke-fronts-us-nuclear-energy-efforts When did these pageant ladies become so damn intelligent?
  4. Name them. All of them, including those that haven’t done shit.
  5. We keep trying, but assholes like you keep bringing it up.
  6. Why can’t we just let shit play out? Everyone thinks they’re a fucking prophet.
  7. This reminds me of waking up to the house being on fire as a teen, and great-grandpa watching tv, through the thick smoke and alarms going off. Guy couldn’t see or hear a damn thing but pretended he knew what was happening.
  8. What in the the name of all unholy threads have I wandered into? This is us with less than 20 years since out last national championship? No wonder aggy is so fucking dumb after not being relevant since…. well, never.
  9. Hey, he didn’t claim to be smart anywhere in that post.
  10. Then you would want 50… just shut up and enjoy the beat down they’re giving Baylor, at home.
  11. Cool, already ranked #3. If they win every game, they’re not going out of the top 4 and means they won the championship.
  12. If Texas wins every game, I don’t give a fuck how many points they score.
  13. I believe all horns players and fans should start doing the horns down. Embrace that shit and break the opponents weak hearts. Besides, it’s the stance before the charge.
  14. He finally released he’s not a cheese maker, so naturally Baker is coming here to make dough.
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