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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RamjetFDO

  1. RamjetFDO

    USMNT 2023

    Smells like victory.
  2. Cooper Rush has the "here we goooo" cadence, but about half-an-octave higher than Dak. Ha.
  3. Clean sheets are tough to keep. (twss)
  4. Diabbbbyyyyyyyy! (Or OG off of Jedi, whatever) 1-nil to the Villa just before the 30 minute mark.
  5. Fuck off cockroaches. Hope to never play you again.
  6. The Forest manager looks like he's there because of some Make-a-Wish fulfillment or something.
  7. Fuuuuuu..... Forest with a nice strike for the early lead.
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