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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. It will get used any time we haven't jumped out to a 10+ point lead midway through the 1st quarter
  2. I find that unpersuasive because Ignore was always an option, and there would have been no need for all that intervention on black lab's part if Derka thought Ignore would be an adequate solution. For all that effort to go wasted is what I take issue with.
  3. What I want to know is why this mod's judgment was abruptly disregarded. It might make sense to me if motown was some sort of elite poster who drives engagement and good for business, or if what motown was being banned for was not even arguably bannable. Like I said before, I don't like disputes to be resolved on the basis of who has more rep (clearly that's Derka), but that's less problematic to me than the particular circumstances being reported by Derka. According to him, an attempt to handle this matter face-to-face by a mod who went above and beyond and all his work that went into that was totally scrapped. Like Iceman says, That can be true and unpersuasive at the same time. I'm expressing a Jeff Goldblum-ian concern about the should moreso than the could.
  4. On that topic I thought they were gonna make PACER free is that not going to happen
  5. Wemby didn't even lead the team in blocks
  6. Truly prime content would be a livestream of Surly Court, immamac presiding, with real lawyers on both sides arguing the case.
  7. Starting to see an uptick on social media of "eclipse evil" and "eclipse scary" content from the usual suspects (our wonderful consortium of constitutional scholars and infectious disease experts).
  8. Not saying it's true because I have no idea who this is, but it's believable And the fact that it's believable?
  9. I'm not a fan of popularity contests, but in this case I don't like seeing someone get told one thing by a mod one day and have it allegedly overruled by another mod the next day. Doesn't sit well with me.
  10. He's a net positive and a big part of the culture. I know a lot of people have come and gone, but he has been a pretty consistent presence.
  11. He's off the chain and off his rocker
  12. Yeah that's true gun culture and availability are very different. I still don't see why there has to be 225 cops for every 100,000 residents. It reminds me of dairy lobbyists saying we should consume way more milk than most people can tolerate. Toronto's crime situation might not be perfect, but I've seen no evidence that it's any worse than most major cities in the US. Dallas, for example. Dallas has 226 cops per 100k residents (so it meets this arbitrary standard) with 778 violent crimes per 100k people. That's a higher violent crime rate than Toronto. Maybe it's the guns, but Austin has guns too yet way fewer violent crimes per 100k people. All the same incentives for "under reporting" the violent crime rate in Austin are present for Dallas and Houston, where the violent crime rates are much higher despite having more police per capita than Austin. Austin might have the right amount of cops, or it might have too many. But they are definitely overpaid and we definitely do not need more of them.
  13. You'd be lucky enough to have a warning that he's stupid, though. Think of how many idiots make it into a real jury undetected
  14. The only people who use VPNs are people with legitimate professional reasons to protect their internet traffic. What kind of a person would get a VPN just to access websites that have been made unavailable to them?
  15. I think there should be a rule that being too unhinged about or fixated on a particular person is bannable. Doesn't have to be limited to bullying, either. I'm sure it has come up where a woman is uncomfortable due to someone's "positive" attention or comments about her. Some people can take it in stride, but they shouldn't have to get to the point where they need to complain. Most people don't have an attachment to the community anywhere close to what Derka has, and they're just going to leave, and when people leave, forums die.
  16. Toronto crime is not out of control. Like any major city, there are rough areas, but it's not a reason to overfund and overhire a bunch of useless, unaccountable people like we've done in Texas.
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