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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/harris-erases-trumps-lead-wsj-poll-finds-e286144d?mod=mhp
  2. was the loveseat added in? what kind of a weirdo leaves his phone in the car for extended amounts of time?
  3. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/3-year-minnesota-boy-attacked-pit-bulls-expected-112302644
  4. I hope you're right but we have to assume otherwise until Harris has been inaugurated
  5. not the preferred nomenclature.
  6. Kobe has five titles and LeBron does not. None of Kobe's five titles have an asterisk, while 2020 is the most asterisk asterisk to ever asterisk. LeBron assembled superteams, even for his sole title in Cleveland. Kobe was a Laker his entire career and was able to win with and without Shaq. Gasol was good, but he's not on Shaq's level of greatness or physical dominance.
  7. I think he's in the highest tier of greatness, but he's not better than Kobe, Duncan, or Shaq. And definitely not greater than Jordan.
  8. sorry I meant to mention that he swept LeBron, although by then Parker and Ginobili were in their prime. He did it without Shaq, though.
  9. I don't think that's right, but either way LeBron benefitted from a legendary chokejob and very questionable officiating (especially in Game 6). I'm still much less impressed than Kobe 09 (gentleman's sweep, 32 points per game) and Duncan 03 (sweep, averaged 24-17).
  10. Superteams really don't impress me and if you remember that series more of the heroics and clutch moments were Kryie's doing, as well as Draymond's idiocy leading to a costly suspension.
  11. I've watched all of LeBron's career. He's not better than Kobe or Duncan. LeBron never accomplished anything like Kobe's 2009 finals run nor Duncan's 2003 performance.
  12. Steph shouldn't be ahead of Duncan or Shaq. LeBron shouldn't be ahead of Kobe or Duncan. This is engagement bait.
  13. A lack of power in downballot elections depresses turnout statewide because it feeds into apathetic "vibes."
  14. This is why I have no problem repeating the claim that JD Vance is a couchfucker, for which I've seen no contrary evidence
  15. No trust me all the youths realized in the last six months they actually hate reproductive rights, started listening to alt-right podcasts, and are now total natalists saving up for Cybertrucks to own the libs
  16. You can't convince me that he hasn't fucked more than his fair share of couches
  17. Perhaps my favorite part about Harris winning would be Trump realizing he won't get pardoned.
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