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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. I'm glad you feel that way, and my sense is most people feel that way. What's changed recently is that some people and a vocal group of advocates have started a conversation about whether consent in those situations is valid. A few who have gotten way too deep into those conversations are re-examining their past and declaring the consent invalid. I'm definitely in favor of having clearer "rules of engagement" when it comes to consent. Alcohol of course is a gray area and always will be a gray area. The safest thing is to avoid buzzed intimacy altogether, except with a steady partner where the question of consent is not really in doubt.
  2. Part-timers, amateurs, casuals....
  3. The high-level rapists have more opportunities to be rapists due to higher population and technology, but the marginal guys are scared of being caught or cancelled due to technology. It balances out. Men are having less sex, but I don't think there's a single reason anyone could point to for that.
  4. parody account, but the fact it's believable is because he's posted even stupider shit on a regular basis.
  5. Huge relief for all of us for sure.
  6. character issues? Isn't he a model parent?
  7. Someone fly a banner. He's got to go.
  8. There are hordes of guys with the exact same resume (minus the lack of dating experience) who are dating or married. Ozempic could change his life, as well as an escort or two. Honestly he would benefit from a few "no sex, just hanging out" non-judgmental call girls to build up the dating experience he never got. He has to learn firsthand that talking to women isn't that much different from talking to men. If he's actually a really nice guy, plenty of women will be interested even if he's 300 lb and even if he only talks about sports and doesn't read books.
  9. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/12/the-sex-recession/573949/ TLDR: 1. more fapping 2. less privacy and worse social skills 3. tinder (made it easier for women to avoid the 27% and invariably disappoints everyone) 4. more stigma for the kind of sex that shouldn't have been happening back then (sex based on dubious consent) and less stigma for girl-on-girl ("better") sex 5. more insecurity (millennials don't get naked in locker room)
  10. I was responding to a specific example cited by Brisket. I hadn't heard of or seen that sign until he had mentioned it and I looked into it. This was probably not Austin.
  11. how do you feel about the inclusion of a Palestinian flag (and the fact that only one of those flags' people are actually, right now, currently being herded into camps and starved to death?)
  12. You're incapable of looking at this issue objectively. There is no clear indication here that the term is being "tossed out at Jews" as you're claiming. The Palestinian people, huddled masses dependent on foreign aid due to decades of oppression and apartheid and, in the case of Gaza, life in an open-air prison, do not have anything close to the institutional power required to organize, much less carry out, a genocide.
  13. This is like fighting with your fiancee and getting arrested
  14. Here's something to add to the pile of hypotheticals: what happens if a President renounces their citizenship during his term? Are they still President?
  15. I think the real question is how many students and community members had their expression and sincerely-held anti-genocide beliefs suppressed due to the stated intention of the governor to crack skulls?
  16. It would be disingenuous to cite that without a clear indication of who the receiving end of that "Final Solution" is. Is the sign simply pointing out the hypocrisy and parallels between what Israel is doing to a class of people it perceives as "undesirables" and what Nazis did? If so, that's very different from calling for a Holocaust. You be the judge:
  17. Remember being young in Austin and doing stuff and there were a bunch of old guys hanging around doing stuff too? You could be one of those old guys. Pull up a seat.
  18. "legal advice" for intentionally committing crimes shouldn't be "attorney client privilege" if you ask me
  19. they'll have great careers in the CFL
  20. no-name WR gets 1st round makes no sense
  21. The average american had zero awareness of what was going on over there until a few months ago. Now, about half know what's going on and the other half is deliberately misinformed.
  22. Seriously? You're going to deny what you said? What did you mean by "Palestinians and many, many muslims" then?
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