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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. They are trotting this out because they spent $1b on focus groups and the data told them "states rights" was the least bad option for them on Dobbs.
  2. I need Derka's reaction to Purdue's loss
  3. Religion of Peace... https://apnews.com/article/satanic-temple-massachusetts-explosive-device-ac1214044f06ed2421b6eb3a8ef47d16
  4. I think the takeaway here is a lot of these ER visits could have been prevented if these people had listened to their own bodies and sought medical attention weeks before. I can't imagine going over a week without a bowel movement. Six fucking weeks???
  5. Don't feel so bad about losing to this team anymore
  6. He'll be lucky to make a practice squad in Guangzhou
  7. It's like driving drunk and getting arrested
  8. Fuck it. I'm saying it. Gimme UConn over the Pistons.
  9. The school is going to plummet in rankings and become the diploma mill Rick Perry and his goons had always wanted
  10. that and agents who allow them to do god-awful Christina Aguilera commercials for March Madness
  11. I definitely "taste" fish in my burps if I ever have a fish oil supplement, and I fucking hate it. Maybe thats what they mean by "stomach contents"
  12. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/04/trump-two-step-bloodbath-2024-election/677966/
  13. they can afford it. but they are going to hate having to offer it to the non-revenue athletes
  14. I don't care about your contradictory evidence! California is literally Zimbabwe
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