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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SHOOTER12

  1. I'll think about them...every time I lower the toilet seat to take a baylor. Fuck those rape enabling/covering up bastards.
  2. Yep, on the way out the fucking door I was hoping to see an average of 66-0 against all those wet diapered bastards.
  3. Sweet Heysoos, we're all going to hell... Can the bitch cook?
  4. Reminds me of that old saying..."well fuck me running,"
  5. Thanks brother. Hopefully I can sleep tonight and catch a replay on LHN.
  6. FÙUUCK! I know we won but what was the final score? Wife had a bad accident and fell down the stairs. I've been playing Dr. since 9 last night and decided no big deal I'd watch it on DVR later, and then discovered DVR fuxked up. FUUUUUUUCK.
  7. No, I haven't. Better things to do than watch or listen to that idiot.
  8. Bunch of bull junk. Other bull junk was Coach getting a parking ticket on CU campus this week What the fuck ever man, although I did think the ticket was bullshit. Should have never happened.
  9. Why are you talking that mess and bull junk Can't stand loud mouth arrogant attention whores.
  10. I'd find a new family...after I buried the first one. "But your honor, the defendant was repeatedly exposed to aggy by force against his will! On those grounds we're pleading temporary insanity". Judge: "case dismissed"
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