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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SHOOTER12

  1. You're a sick, sick man Horndog.....username etc etc.
  2. Baylor lost to TSU? Wyatt, I am rolling...
  3. Was 1st, it was unrepped when I saw it but I type slow as hell on this damned phone.
  4. Dammit, I'm the first to +rep this post? Have you fuckers lost your dicks?
  5. Don't know why, but I feel today was part of a 4 level chess game.
  6. Sooo, who's got your balls in their pocket this week? Your kids or your wife?
  7. Dammit man I'm trying g...I picked a bad day to quit Xanax.
  8. lol, they just showed two women holding up a sign that read "give me 3 more points" (69)
  9. "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play, today"
  10. He also had a bunch of edibles which the news source said were illegal in Texas (wtf?), and .051 ounces of pot which had been found in a trash can in Teases' room.
  11. WR Tease arrested felony drug possession.
  12. I kind of felt that way myself for awhile, but now after seeing Deion attention whoring constantly I'd just as soon bitch slap him if we crossed paths. Or at least stomp on his foot a few times.
  13. Anyone have a stream for the game? FOX and Dish network are still passing on each other's boots.
  14. The buffet is closed. Jimmy Buffet passed yesterday. Dang, too late aga in n....
  15. Better than listening to some brain dead rotted crotch bitch all day.
  16. Dorka? Just noticed the suffix, so I don't love you, you get no consideration, now scrap that stupid shit.
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