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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SHOOTER12

  1. Dang, and me being a driller for 42 years and missing on that.
  2. Hardware stores daughter, wow, bet she gets hammered and nailed regularly.
  3. I remember when I worked in Kentucky back in 79-80 I had the shock of my life when I moved there. I was living in Lebanon, which thinking back, I don't recall EVER seeing any person of color. I was working on a cross country transmission line so some days the trip to work could be 90 miles away. Anyway, one of the little burgs I drove through had a sign at each end of town which read "N***** Don't Let Sundown Catch Your Black Ass Here". Needless to say I nearly ran the pickup off in ditch the first time I saw it. It wasn't just some small sign either, the damned yhing had to be 16 X 20. Didn't think I'd ever forget the name of that shitehole, but alas, senility calls. I want to say Danbury, Denwall, Danville, "D" something. Being from a small South Texas town I had seen some racism but never dreamed that the crap in Kentucky still existed at that time. Damned disgusting. *not even close name wise, Rayburn, Raymond, something like that...
  4. Unpopular opinion I know, but I've missed RD.
  5. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    Good for you...me? I'm not giving up my 2 pounders, they are the heart of my workouts.
  6. Yes sorry, that was pretty insensitive on my behalf as well...but I am a Surly asshole.
  7. McIllheny original red Tabasco. All the rest are posers and Johnny come latelys.....fight me mofos.
  8. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    You've led a lucky/blessed life, don't let negativity get you down. Kick ass and carry on.
  9. Lol, preach it brother, preach it. ~~~Go tell it on the mountain ~~~
  10. I'm by no stretch a conspiracy theorist, but it seems to me the more time goes goes by with their incessant whining and crying, the more "unfortunate things" seem to happen to them. Almost like the whole world is sick of their act.
  11. The subject involves becoming uncool, not dementia.
  12. Wait until we get to tablecloths and placemats.
  13. And not to be rude but, they won't appreciate or remember a single damned sacrifice you made for more than 60 seconds...if that.
  14. Lot of warning signs you need to pay attention to. Don't know how to put it mildly but, you're a fucking ticking time bomb. Take care of yourself FIRST and fuck the rest.
  15. Lol, sounds about right. The wife and I lived in Kansas City back in 95 when I was working on the new federal courthouse. When football season started I could not believe how Chiefs crazy the entire place went. One woman we met in a bar, who had to havbeen 85 years old, was completely decked out in Chiefs gear from head to toe beginning on Friday and all through the weekend. Red and yellow clothes, feather earrings and red and yellow hair. Talk about a rabid fan? She was the epitome of ìt. That old gal had to have found the fountain of youth somewhere.
  16. SHOOTER12

    Getting old sucks

    All of this shit. Started developing arthritis about a year and a half ago. No big deal until about 8-8 months ago. It's developed to the point I'm having trouble opening my meds and supplements, not to even mention freaking jars and the like. Shits starting to spread like wildfire now.
  17. 2nd woman from the right appears 98% mongoloid.
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