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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. What are you doing in this thread now, btw? Or what do you think you're doing? I just double-checked and without a twitter account I'm unable to see someone's tweets in their timeline in descending chronological order. Also, without an account, I'm unable to see replies to any tweet, and further I'm unable to see tweet threads, as well. (And therefore aside from it being a site for white supremacists, it's senseless to click on a link to twitter, at least imo.) It wasn't an implication - it was a mere statement of fact. You felt I aimed it at you which is rather telling. My mention of romavicta was because @bolverkhad just mentioned a desire to avoid CR'ing up the thread as the reason for his thread policing. It was a description of reality and a nod to a small irony. Fact and reality...I'm sensing a couple issues you seem to have problems with.
  2. Unregistered twitter users aren't allowed that sort of access so you'll have to find someone who enjoys posting and/or browsing a white supremacist website to engage in that sort of fuckery. I'm wholly reliant upon my belief and understanding that @viper is a credible and reliable poster on this here website. If he's not, or if it's not news and/or not accurate then obviously the tale turns and y'all should turn your fire, so to speak, in another direction. As for "policing," you've got it entirely assbackwards.
  3. Got it. My apologies. I missed seeing your earlier post due to the escaped mental patient posting just after it.
  4. But discussing tit-for-tat was you, wasn't it? You could've left it alone. Or perhaps I misunderstand and you're arguing that the release of a video capturing a kid trying to lure a soldier into being unprepared and then stab the soldier, only to wind up getting gunned down, isn't news?
  5. That's fine. I very rarely click on that forum. However, that doesn't negate that you're dismissing something that's clearly news by describing something you deem to be off-topic for this thread. And here comes romavicta who has apparently escaped CR.
  6. Definition of whataboutism. Also a wag that you didn't watch any of the Oct 7 videos.
  7. Maybe at a very minimum take a moment to look up the different cable and streaming channels Disney owns outright, or a controlling interest in. It goes well beyond ESPN and Disney. Jesus, y'all sound like what I imagine a bunch of aggy corps twats sound like just before they get to the foreplay. This has been a truly miserable and clusterfuck of a thread. Shame we'll never know but I doubt even the fresh titties could've saved it.
  8. I didn't realize you don't understand something as simple as the word "bypass," which is what I responded to. See the Charter contract they just re-negotiated. ESPN is still available to cable companies and they're certainly not walking away from that mode as long as cable companies represent a large number of users.
  9. I can assure you that ESPN is not going to bypass cable companies and go all streaming. That's not anything near reality. It wouldn't go forward unless it's compliance with Title 9. Everybody at every school in the NCAA knows that, and it was front and center in what Charlie Baker put forward.
  10. This essay is insightful. Elon Musk and the Power of the Bro. "The actually relevant point is that doing bad things together serves two useful purposes for criminal and quasi-criminal enterprises. First - it enables you to identify and screen out the people who have real moral qualms before you have to rely on them to cooperate in whatever quasi-legal thing it is that you want them to do. Second, it gives you and them a stake in mutually assured silence. There is a third thing too: it plausibly corrupts people, rewiring their moral codes so that things that they might once have identified as wrong come to seem like ordinary practice. Most people don’t want to seem evil to themselves; equally, most people don’t want to feel that they are suckers or losers. If you can get people to feel as though they are a sucker or loser if they don’t participate, you’re half-way towards pulling them in."
  11. "Bad karaoke song" can't possibly be referencing the Ian Hunter Band's original. I refuse to believe it. Dissing Ian Hunter -- who's one of the most notable omissions from the R&R Hall of Fame for his solo work and as a founding member of Mott the Hoople -- along with Mick Ronson on guitar like that? If someone's doing a karaoke version of Once Bitten it's definitely the sterile and soulless version by Great White.
  12. Still it's a long walk from one of the most influential bands in the history of rock and roll to an insipid mash up-of White Wedding and a karaoke version of LA Woman.
  13. This isn't a cover version. It wasn't written by a member of Fleetwood Mac but by a friend of Lindsey's and Stevie's specifically for the band, and the first time it appeared on an album was when Fleetwood Mac/Fleetwoood Mac was released.
  14. Have you listened to the song since the 90s? Your otherwise charming story led me to give the Billy Idol version a listen for the first time and it's utter trash. Unlistenable. "Kicks the shit out of the original" sure sure...what a horrible opinion.
  15. Over at the Orc aggies site they're arguing that snipers are well past their useful stage and are thankful for the Ukes who eliminate them of the burden of feeding, arming and caring for them.
  16. Yes and he's a stupid fucking cow for not understanding the basic premise that "legal status" is not the same as citizenship.
  17. Dust-up about the cast is over.
  18. Are you using brita water with that or just straight from the tap?
  19. That's a lot of Fargo to watch b2b. It's been a few weeks since I've watched s5 and I'm in no position to compare it to previous seasons because I haven't re-watched any -- so I'll defer to you. As for adding levity and comedic elements the things I can recall I picked up on of off the top of my head
  20. If that's the case, then it was just a matter of time, and from their perspective the sooner the NCAA learns this the better so no real harm done. But Tenn's claim to be shocked (shocked, I tell you) to find out that boosters weren't allowed to be officially involved in the recruiting process is fucking bullshit.
  21. I must've missed seeing it upthread. In general, as plain drinking water, it tastes far better to me than Brita. Then the question is, is it worth it to have a Brita pitcher for the coffee (or some other solution), or just go with Zero for the espresso machine. My understanding is that water through just a Brita is much more corrosive than water through a Zero. I did taste tests with the Brita, the Zero, and also the Zero but adding back Third Wave minerals. I couldn't taste the difference between either. However the Zero removes a couple heavy metals the Brita doesn't but it's not anywhere in the same ballpark as RO or distillation. My conclusion was to go with the Zero for longevity of the machine because the taste held equal and that the Third Wave minerals made no difference with the Zero filter. YMMV.
  22. I like the Zero Water filter over Brita. For drinking and coffee, not shaving.
  23. Did you happen to read the Washington Post article a couple weeks back about the guy who wanted to build himself the finest audio system and listening room? free link if not https://wapo.st/3UkZ8ce header: He spent his life building a $1 million stereo. The real cost was unfathomable. Ken Fritz turned his home into an audiophile’s dream — the world’s greatest hi-fi. What would it mean in the end?
  24. My wife moved her mom from an assisted living facility in Austin to a place she found for her near our house in Fort Collins. As part of that process her mom need a CO handicapped placard for the times when my wife drives her around, be it to Dr. appts or lunch. My MIL is 85 years old, is in poor health and uses a walker. Her ID was from Tx but issued before Real ID. The process was a giant pain in the ass. In order to get a CO placard she first had to get a CO ID, which meant getting her certified birth certificate and original marriage certificate (even though she's been divorced 30 years) and make multiple trips to the DMV before we could then go to the County to get a fucking handicapped placard. The DV spots in Fort Collins are almost always completely empty. When the law is at the point of forcing an 85 yo to get a new ID just to get a parking placard, that law is fucked.
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