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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. I should've known better than to open this thread when I'm already bordering on wanting an early lunch. I could spend a couple years traveling between Vietnam, Singapore and Thailand just for the food. Was that the Belmond in Angkor?
  2. As I understand there's a split at the top of gov't. Netanyahu wants to annihilate Gaza and conduct Entebbe-style raids to try to get the hostages. Others at the top of Isreaeli government are saying it's time to negotiate and for Netanyahu to face the electorate. The IDF has said it's killed 9,000 hamas soldiers and I believe they had ~20k to start with. Many are believed injured or to have escaped Gaza. It's really quite something that Egypt, Jordan and Syria have not become involved.
  3. Elon Musk personally approved these pills before allowing the company to advertise on twitter
  4. Ed Zitron posted a couple screen caps from cybertruckownersclub dot com - here's the reported battery range. 206 miles at 100% usage/164 miles at 80% usage. Another reported 210 and 160 miles. If you're towing something, best of luck at a charging station.
  5. You need to be fatwa'd straight to hell, motherfucker.
  6. I take it you're talking about domestic service. Still, if you're comparing it to AA, I'll laugh; it's basically the same. If you're comparing it to Jet Blue or Delta, okay...I have no recent experience with Delta, have heard a lot of good but also that they've taken a step back in the last 2 years or so.
  7. yeah, it's real https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/wayne-root-does-elon-musk-know-conservatives-patriots/ "Wayne currently has over 118,000 followers on X; yet when he posts a tweet he gets 2 “likes” and 0 comments. Obviously, this is not normal for Wayne, as he has so many followers and listeners to his credit."
  8. Which product are you referring to? United Polaris is pretty good. It's the second best international premium product flying out of Denver, behind the seasonal Air France flights but ahead of what BA or LH flies from DEN. The new Polaris lounge at DEN is also pretty great. But any seat, particularly premium, is going to vary based on several factors: Manufacturer and jet, seating configuration, and route.
  9. New article: CliffsNotes: https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/01/elon-musk-gives-tesla-ultimatum-another-12-of-shares-or-no-ai-robotics/
  10. Hard disagree about there being more accountability now than there was then, whether or not there is divided control between the President and Congress. The budget is infinitely more complex and it's much easier to hide $800 million or $50 billion. Also the government used to be funded by 12 separate and detailed Appropriations bills, each of which would pass both the House and the Senate. But the political party for oligarchs decided it was too politically inconvenient to be responsible legislators, and so now the government is funded annually (in general) through one massive appropriations bill that no single member of the House or Senate has read. I could go on and on about how citizen representation in Congress used to be much stronger but what I've written above are the most important points. Also, I realize it gets confusing because the political party for oligarchs intentionally misuses it all of the time, but it's actually called the Democratic party.
  11. There's a dust-up about one of the cast.
  12. If you use the X app and click 'no' to the option to provide your diagnostic data when the app crashes, they take your data anyway, including identity, usage and diagnostics. https://www.techradar.com/computing/cyber-security/your-iphone-x-app-may-be-leaking-your-data Apple, and of course shitter, haven't responded yet.
  13. Apparently all over Chicago, not just one location. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chicago-area-tesla-charging-stations-024817227.html I'd guess other manufacturers are having the same problem but calls into question the advisability of buying an EV in many climates unless you're going to be keeping and charging it in an insulated garage instead of relying on super chargers.
  14. Just watched. Yeah that was a little abrupt!
  15. how it's going for elmo tonight - It comes down to this - Musk wants to steal IP from Tesla for a new company and it sounds like he's threatening the BOD with quiet quitting if they don't turn a blind eye to their fiduciary duty and bend to his will. He's apparently also willing to "settle" for a greater % of ownership of Tesla. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-15/elon-musk-wants-greater-control-of-tesla-before-building-its-ai
  16. Anyone watch Steeltown Murders (on Acorntv)? A BBC miniseries released last year (4, 1 hr eps) about 3, 16 year-old girls murdered in Swansea, S. Wales in 1973, the shitty police investigation that happened at the time, and then the reinvestigation 25 years later as the use of DNA evidence began to emerge. True story, brilliantly acted, exposing the shortcomings of the initial investigation. But also a dark story, a dense tale and a plodding investigation. Critics from the WSJ and the Guardian gave it good reviews. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to after watching just the first episode.
  17. theories - he's fucked somehow and is trying to worm out of it? tesla board rebelling or demanding accountability after the ketamine/drug article? wants to be able to sell moar tesla options and get more free stock!? bad, bad ketamine trip? needed to write something plausibly business related for the first time in the past year?
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