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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. I dunno man. I'm gonna have to say the fact that Netflix is the only streamer adding new users, that WB Discovery's market value has gone from $130B to $60B in 2 years since the merger, and their subscriber numbers haven't budged since Max debuted has more to do with it than AI. And their studio business has sucked despite a hit like Barbie, and paramount's studio is sitting on the market without a bidding frenzy surrounding it. But that's just me. WBD's earnings were announced on Friday. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-23/warner-bros-sales-miss-as-tv-advertising-continues-to-fall https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/warner-bros-discovery-zaslav-q4-earnings-warning-1235921220/
  2. He seems to have fired all the tech support people and is left alone thirsting for attention on twitter?
  3. Step up your game? Amazon dot com is there to help you fence the goods. Thug face of urban crime. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/bonsall-woman-suspected-ringleader-of-8m-retail-theft-ring-hitting-200-ulta-stores/3441772/
  4. I am pro-Israel. I am anti-Benjamin Netanyahu. If Israel is safe for the PM it's safe for his son. Or so one would think.
  5. Further caveats: Corporations, even insurers and hospitals, are buying up private med practices. Private equity is purchasing hospital chains. edit: even Walgreens owns a large chain of private medical practices
  6. The techlord who can't figure out how to start a pc without creating a microsoft account is going to -- as we already know -- conquer email. His fanbois are already calculating the pot o' gold.
  7. I didn't exactly hate-watch the series but didn't particularly like it much either. Definitely picked up at the end. I thought the last 2 eps were the best of the bunch.
  8. Somehow this went viral. Tesla ordered $6k worth of stuff from a small bakery then didn't pick up the items and refused to pay. Offered the bakery owner a factory tour instead. Once it went viral, Elmo said he'd pay it. But will he?
  9. Flawless understanding of facts, logic and morality.
  10. might as well double post this, already in the Talibama thread... https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/02/25/gov-abbott-alabama-ivf-ruling-dana-bash-sotu-vpx.cnn
  11. I'd suggest London - Lille - Rotterdam - AMS (and add any of Delft - Den Haag - Leiden - Haarlem after Rotterdam per your own interests as time allows).
  12. Texas getting ready... https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/02/25/gov-abbott-alabama-ivf-ruling-dana-bash-sotu-vpx.cnn
  13. Idle speculation but I'm reminded about the ATM NIL contract being not very player friendly.
  14. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/24/1230188789/portugal-drug-overdose-opioid-treatment
  15. When it comes to how "they" scraped (stole) creative works, I think AI will lose many cases brought against it. However it depends on the case and each will be fact specific. I also think OpenAI will lose the lawsuit brought against it by NYT, and that Getty Images will prevail against the AI image generator they sued, as well. Now if someone were going to tell me detailed plans about how AI is a game changer for creating sock puppets on social media for disinfo purposes, thereby making redundant social media disinfo farms staffed by humans, they'd have my attention. One of the ways the russian disinfo farms were identified was because of its working hours. AI if employed effectively will get around that and will be able to create many more socks than a farm. Hooray.
  16. Also, if a politician says they support IVF, that means nothing unless they specify they understand how IVF science is practiced -- including freezing embryos for later implantation, the death of embryos before they're even able to be implanted, and embryos often discarded if deemed medically unlikely to successfully implant. Neither of those state-of-the-art scientific practices seems amenable to the Alabama's Supreme Court ruling that embryos are protected under the state's Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. The politicians are going to try to have it both ways but anyone who's stated they believe "life begins at conception," then it seems like they either need to explain why they no longer believe that to be the case, or simply own their opinion, no matter how unpopular and unscientific it is.
  17. There's a law on the books, sir. It's clearly homicide to destroy a fertilized egg or to create more than one fertilized egg at a time. It is written! You're not going to tell me that a bunch of GOPs are going to go soft on crime all of a sudden just because their position is highly unpopular with the full electorate and not just the fucking libs, are you? To be clear I think we're talking about the same group of men who got all wound up when some local DAs refused to prosecute women who were leaving the state for a legal abortion. Surely those Alabama Talibanians aren't that craven. Oh haha just kidding of course they (mostly) are.
  18. Time to check with in Tommy Tuberville. I'm sure he has a keen sense of the issue.
  19. Can't edit. Pay no attention. My aussie house guest was playing a joke. Please disregard.
  20. Ladies and girls kissing and slathering themselves with vanilla ice cream
  21. In his (very) limited defense, google does suck. I've been experimenting with a search engine called Kagi. It's ad-free so requires a sub. but it's lightning fast and highly customizable. Trial plan offers 100 free searches. If you don't mind being the customer rather than the product (paying less than $5 per month compared to giving your value to google or bing or duckduckgo) I encourage anyone to check it out.
  22. You've enshittened the enshittification thread. Congrats. Now seek mental help. You're so fucking out of touch with reality you can't even grasp the concept of WORKING AT versus VISITING. You're seriously suffering some form of cognitive impairment. The example I used about a store was one of many measures stores take to reduce inventory shrink - just like the burden of having to lift a piece of plexi.
  23. Yeah this discussion was weeks ago but for some reason you brought it up. You appear to have the reading comprehension of an aggy. You can't even quote yourself correctly let alone me. "to distract from the fact that legitimate customers don't want to buy them (my new favorite conspiracy theory)" -- I wrote nothing even remotely like this. You appear to be having hallucinations. You just told us the items aren't actually locked up. "LIFT HERE" means NOT LOCKED. Unless you can't read or have the comprehension of a sow. At least make up your mind what you're arguing. Why do you care if there's plexiglass in front that has to be lifted, or not? Is that a big deal for you? Do you get similarly chafed when you have to ask a sales person to get the size shoes you want out of the back? Or ask to get a watch or item of jewellery you'd like to look at? When I was a kid in high working at a famous record store, people had to ASK for help to look at/purchase pre-recorded cassette tapes because they were kept behind a counter to deter theft. Oh, the horror. If you're familiar with Barry Rithholtz he published this in December https://ritholtz.com/2023/12/retail-lobby-we-lied-about-organized-theft/ If you want to be a blathering idiot and point and cry about huge supposed organized retail crime (just a slice of shrinkage but it's been the most sensational), I can't stop you. But that shouldn't stop you from having a basic understanding that there's a reason for the misinformation. https://popular.info/p/organized-journalistic-crime Call it a conspiracy theory if you want, or if you have fox news brain. I'd call it ulterior motives.
  24. Some are pushing to call the new drug, the Cordova Prophylactic https://www.npr.org/2024/02/18/1232304606/fda-approval-food-allergies-xolair
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