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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Way to make it about y’all, Imagine Dragons. The people wanna like you!!! (Phil Hartman SNL Sinatra voice)
  2. Couple that with the montage of him hitting uprights all season maybe 30 seconds after the game ended. Those dudes at NBC are earning their money.
  3. Sir, a Justin Tucker is holding for you on line one.
  4. Man, that sucks. Those few tweets in that link say a lot about what kind of kid he was. RIP.
  5. This shooter dabbled in pacifism once. Not in Nam of course.
  6. Tuco might be my new favorite name for a pooch. He looks like he really hates snow, not having any fun at all.
  7. It’s taken three days for me to post this, because of how angry and sad I was at the time it occurred. Had I posted when I wanted to, I probably would’ve said something(s) I shouldn’t have said. Now, after a few days of dwelling on it, I’ve decided to tell the story, but do so in a way to hopefully avoid angering anyone, and hopefully help y’all see this from an objective standpoint. Let’s call it a precautionary tale. I was turning right onto a lighted four lane road heading east. As I did, I noticed a puppy, probably 9-10 weeks old, wandering confused in the westbound lane of traffic. As soon as I saw him, he was struck by a car heading east. I took a breath, and performed a U-Turn. It didn’t take me long to get back to where he was. I flicked my hazards, and turned into a driveway close to where he was. I grabbed the gloves in my console, and tried to get out to him as quickly as I could. The westbound cars in the right lane noticed what I was doing, as I was waving at them frantically, and three of them slowed, turning their hazards on. The dog was barely in the left lane, and the oncoming left lane traffic had slowed, noticing the right lane traffic’s hazard lights. I was probably 6 feet from the dog when I heard honking, and then immediately heard tires screech. The fourth car in the right lane decided that he’d had enough of the 10 seconds of stopped traffic, cut into the left lane, and floored it. He hit the pup, missed me by about 3-4ft, and ran a red light. I wasn’t able to get his license plate, nor was anyone else in line. It happened extremely fast. I was able to retrieve the dog, wrapped him in an old shirt, and balled my eyes out on my way home. I dug him a grave, made sure he was wrapped and warm in the shirt, uprooted a fern, and replanted it where I buried him. I guess the moral of this story (if there is one), it’s that nobody should ever be in that big of a hurry. I’ve been thinking about that fucking pup for three days, and when I do, it fucking ruins me. I really hope that he knows that I tried, but more importantly, I hope he’s okay now.
  8. Wow. Even his own aggy brethren are calling him on his shit. Or they’re at least asking for a better explanation as to what actually went down. Hell, I’m still kind of confused.
  9. Ma’am, will you please get the fuck off your cross. I’ve been on this message board (and yes, it’s A FUCKING MESSAGE BOARD), for awhile. I don’t know you personally, but have been around long enough to watch you go from posting as a man, to posting as a woman. I respect the hell out of you for having done what you’ve done, and actually said so on numerous occasions. That said, you’re way too smart to start this kind of shit in the Lulz thread with the hopes of everyone coming to the same agreement as you because you’ve been there and done that. No, you know exactly what this thread is, and the sub-forum where it exists. Yet you still come in and start crushing posts by people just fucking around. Most of what was said was pretty funny imo. What you said was extremely sincere, and heartfelt due to what you’ve gone through. I’m asking you to step back, watch the video again, and realize that this crowd would absolutely make jokes regardless of gender, color, or sexual preference. It’s just who most of us are. There are plenty of threads where this video would be taken a hell of a lot more seriously, and objectively. But not this one. You’re either really upset about these posts in this Lulz forum, or you’re lobbing grenades to gain attention. If the latter is the case, then congrats, you truly are a woman.
  10. It won the student vote in a landslide, but the admins went back on their word.
  11. Henry James, spoiler that shit next time dude.
  12. I played college baseball at 5’9, and I fixed your quote for you.
  13. Eeesh. Did that hit the crossbar? Edit: upright. Still eeesh.
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