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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. Zero point zero. If you were going for “the most surprising thing is people turn off their brains to try to justify his record after the abortion we saw”, no that isn’t surprising at all. We watched half the country do that nonstop for four years.
  2. I remember thinking “that’s cool“ when I heard Rex Tillerson was nominated to be secretary of state. An outsider perspective that might actually be interesting in some way. An actually competent person. Of course that means he’d be reviled by Trump within weeks.
  3. That Letterman clip where hes dressed like Mr Rogers is pretty amazing. Evidently that was just his third show. Dude was just getting started and had Hammerin Hank
  4. I love it. A throwback to when everything wasn’t so militarized and serious all the time.
  5. This is pretty amazing. The dude is dressed the same as he was during the insurrection, starts chanting trump 2020 on an airplane to freedom and gets kicked off. Much to the surprise of everyone he’s arrested. I don’t have any proof of this but I’m gonna take a shot in the dark here. IQ = 150+
  6. I didn't know he was such a good all around player. I just pulled up his BRef page and he was a 6.2 Win player in 1955, his second year, to being a 7.2 Win player in 1971, with never lower than a 5.0 between. That's 17 years straight of all star quality play and getting MVP votes every year.
  7. The boiling frog analogy works real well here because storming the capitol actually wasn’t all that shocking to me at the time because it was the end of 4 years of ever increasing insanity. It didn’t really get more than a disappointed head shake out of me. But now that I’m provided with even a mere two weeks of perspective and look back, it’s clearly historical.
  8. Your honor, I’d like to direct your attention to Gollum v Tricksy Hobbittses
  9. I was going to put this as my number one. Absolute jaw drop on election night. It wasn’t really because of racism we’re all the other stuff we talk about now. It was just so blatantly obvious that we were going to have to choose a leader between two candidates, and one person was competent and one person was incompetent. One person knew what was going on, one person just made it up on the fly. One person had experience one person had nothing. One person had worked in public service before, one person had never done anything but for himself. I figured a 10 point win, at least, for Hillary. turns out I absolutely do not have the pulse of the nation when it comes to what criteria they use on selecting a president.
  10. And frankly, that Iceland one looks like the store brand of all the cooler cross flags from Northern Europe.
  11. This is a reassuring speech just to hear an organized set of thoughts.
  12. Posting the same thing from the official WaPo account, because that’s a v v good headline writer
  13. Calling my shot. Biden’s first act as president: “Will someone shoot down Marine 1?”
  14. Associate mike tv with trump at your fuckin peril
  15. I would like to know why Fox News would do a hard interview.
  16. https://twitter.com/DPRK_News/status/1284633921695686663?s=20
  17. Texags is full of stories like this. They have to pump each other up with anecdotes because it’s all they have.
  18. pandemic + mass unemployment + civil unrest is exactly what gets the bulls going.
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