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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 8 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Trumpkins are like Joe Paterno apologists.  They don’t give a damn about who is getting fucked as long as they get their win.

    When I said this last night, I didn’t know that Trump would take it to heart and roll over like a bitch so publicly for Putin this morning.

    I would have never thought in my lifetime I’d go from Reagan who stared down the Soviets, to a Republican President publicly blaming America for Russians trying to hack and influence our elections.  

    • Like 6
  2. 20 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    I hate to break this to you, but you probably have pleasant interactions with multiple Trump supporters on any given day. 

    Trumpkins are like Joe Paterno apologists.  They don’t give a damn about who is getting fucked as long as they get their win.

    • Like 9
  3. 5 minutes ago, F250 said:

    I don't know. If people across the midwest start losing their farms and livelihood, I could see his support plummeting.

    Its easy to remain loyal when it doesn't cost you anything, it's much more difficult when it costs your family a pound of flesh.


    And some of those states (Oklahoma for instance) were blue within the last 15-20 years.

    Plenty of those people have dreams of passing the family farm down or farming for decades more.  They don’t have a rich daddy bailing them out, and this is not because they made poor decisions either.  This trade war is not some relic of Obama - Trump is out there openly bragging about going hard in the paint on these countries. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    It doesn't actually say this, but feel free to let your imagination run wild. It says "On or about August 15, 2016, the Conspirators, posing as Guccifer 2.0, received a request for stolen documents from a candidate for the U.S. Congress. The Conspirators responded using the Guccifer 2.0 persona and sent the candidate stolen documents related to the candidate’s opponent." The most likely suspect is Joe Garcia, a Democrat candidate who was in a tight race and had a debate scheduled for the same evening, where he deployed the DCCC material against his Democrat opponent. But do your thing triple. 

    While I believe both sides will have people go down for this kind of stuff, at the end of the day, a Republican President is actually doing everything he can on social media to discredit the investigation, and Republican members of Congress are trying to discredit it through hearings over FBI personnel who were fired for fucking around. 

    Oh, and Republican members of Congress are threatening impeachment of DOJ officials in order to shut down the investigation. 

    There maybe Democrats who are guilty of it, but it’s the GOP who is openly acting like they are guilty.

    • Like 7
  5. 32 minutes ago, SKJ said:

    Just so you know...

    Trump is such a fucking moron, such a piece of shit, that if there are policies of his that I agree on, then:

    1) I'm almost 100% certain that he is lying and doesn't actually support it, or

    2) I most likely need to readjust my beliefs because they align with his in some way.

    If TexAgs worships a candidate, run far, far away.

  6. 2 hours ago, Chrispy said:

    Not this Republican. 

    I used to play that game   Tell myself that I’m not that kind of Republican   Then I would turn around and help send exactly that kind of Republican to Austin or Washington.

    The GOP has embraced big, intrusive, and bloated government at state and national.  Arguably, it’s one of the largest parts of the GOP’s identity these days.

    If you truly don’t support that, then I expect you will be voting against Cruz, Danica Patrick, etc. come November.

    Otherwise, you are a part of the problem and you don’t get to pretend that you’re not that kind of Republican.


    • Like 6
  7. How many small farms are limping along, year-to-year, and all it takes is two bad years in a row and the bank moves in?

    We already have a good idea of how many people are heavy in debt and have no real savings.

  8. Most of the Freedom Caucus are in safe districts and don’t need to put points on the scoreboard. This smells like coverup.  And I think they will make a run at this.  Won’t succeed, but I think they will try.

    At the very least, they can force some fellow Republicans to go on the record over this.  Maybe even try and use it as leverage for the Speaker’s chair. 

  9. 2 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:

    So if wikileaks was perpetrated by the GRU, then how does that affect Q and all that nonsense?   Wasn't a lot of that based on wikileaks?    How much credibility can be granted all that stuff now if it's proven to be Russian generated?    If they can hack stuff to reveal, can't they plant stuff as well?   Seems to really take the steam out of Q and the whole deep state argument. 

    I'm going to try and avoid mentioning anything specific so we don't bring in more of the bots/spammers/fanboys from those sites/subs - if Surly blocks a 500+ bots a day, I would not be surprised at all.

    In the past, I was interesting in conspiracy stuff (JFK, military, etc.). I've been doing web development/online stuff going back almost 15 years, and have watched social sites/media evolve from GeoCities to reddit, twitter, etc.

    I look at the stuff you mention as well as other stuff (I have an in-law that is into this shit and also sends me this stuff from reddit, etc.).  Without any special training, there is nothing I've seen that I couldn't go and do as far as building out the online following with a few dozen social media accounts that reference each other, creating various sites/blogs with various documents/photos that link to one another, as long as I have access to something like Wikileaks (and/or whoever was behind the leaks).       So much of it is very simple with today's software - it's just a matter of hitting the right audiences and knowing how to play the search engine game, and hiding your IP through VPNS, etc.

    That's not even touching the kind of automation in social media that exists.  All you have to do is make it look a little legit, and hit the right hashtags on twitter, etc., and get a social media boost from some established folks within that community and the bots will do the rest.

    If you want to create a group of people who will voluntarily go out and cloud issues, bury certain stories in the search engines by creating a lot of noise, it's not hard at all.  Certain people are prone (mentally) to latch onto these kinds of things.

    If you wanted to help Trump, you need a group like that, that will respond to his dog whistles, that will rush to defend him against his detractors in near real-time, etc.  They try and intimidate his detractors, they try and bury negative responses to his tweets, etc.

    Totally believable that Russians are feeding that machine some how.


    • Like 1
  10. I still think they are going to let a kid die, or a bunch of them get really sick, before this is over.  Housing thousands of children away from their parents in converted stores is a recipe for disaster. 

  11. Ehh, I don’t care whether she’s the queen or not, she’s a 90 year old woman.  Show her a little respect.

    Then again, it’s Trump. He ignored his own wife when getting out at the White House during the inauguration, and Obama and Michelle  ended up walking with her.  He has no respect for women.

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, retread said:

    Feels like this travesty is sliipping of the front page of the news cycle.

    The Russian stuff is kinda big.

    But don’t worry. I have full faith that this administration will continue fucking up the reunification of the families. We’ve seen just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the meanness of this administration and the GOP towards these children.

    • Like 1
  13. We would still have the same level of military spending if NATO existed or not.  We need to understand that our military is about making defense contractors rich, and protecting markets for American businesses.

    • Like 8
  14. Austin PBS has several we watch.

    18.2/18.3 = cooking, crafting, travel, history.   Real travel. Not that fake Travel Channel bullshit.  Among others, Rick Steves and the next person to file a restraining order against me, Samantha Brown.

    And then we have 18.4. PBS Kids. 24/7.  Better than Netflix a lot of times.

  15. 1 hour ago, Chad Fuck said:

    It's just further confirmation that the GOP, while for years wearing the mantle of the "values" party (whatever that means), has only one value: Supporting Trump.  Everything else (humanity, dignity, decency, respect for rule of law) has gone completely out the window.  A wholesale jettisoning of anything resembling any sort of character or moral fiber.  No, it's all orange buffoon and buffoonery, 24/7.  


    If the right cared about morals and family values, McCain would have been jettisoned early on, given his personal/family life.

    • Haha 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I pray to God the voter rolls were not altered.   That would be disastrous for our country.  I'm hoping this newly public evidence of accessing the voter rolls is just part of the already-established Russian plot to target voters with online propaganda.  That is, that the voter roll information was used to help figure out which GOP useful idiots to target.  Which is still a terrible thing, but one that will be easier for our country to handle.  

    Given how hard Republicans in both chambers are pushing back, as well as Trump, my gut is starting to say they know something definitively.  

    This has moved beyond the usual fuckery of Mitch threatening Obama or Fucking Moron in the House running over to the White House to share what he discovered, or Trump ranting about Hillary.

    The GOP is fucking terrified of something, something serious enough that I think the House actually moves to impeach DOJ officials in the next few weeks.

    The only good news is the GOP is going to destroy itself in the process, and we will have a chance to get something new out of the pieces.

    • Like 1
  17. 12 hours ago, VRHorn said:

    The good news is that the path through this is now pretty clear.

    The bad news is that the Vichy republicans won’t do fuck all about this because they are complicit.

    Roger Stone will flip or be rolled, but the Vichy republicans don’t care enough to fix this.


    • Like 2
  18. 4 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    It will be interesting to see if Cruz's only reaction can be to scare his supporters.  As everyone agrees, Cruz's strength isn't being personable and he comes off looking worse when he tries.  He can't look to jump on Facebook Live showing how cool he is, or hanging with the young supporters.     

    I will give Cruz credit that from time to time, he does stand up against the prevailing GOP winds.  He stood up against Trump for a short while but was convinced to stop it.  And he recently said that voters should go with the Democrat in that congressional race where the GOP guy is actually a Nazi.  The last one isn't a big stretch and the Nazi has zero chance of winning, but there are many GOP politicians would never say to vote Democrat.  Now his problem is that he backs down from time to time which can be worse because you've now pissed off everyone at some point.


    • Like 2
  19. 4 hours ago, Red Five said:

    If Obama had interfered and the result was a narrow Clinton victory, we might have had a legit civil war. 

    Identify the younger ones on social media and they’ll disappear fast.   Make strips of tacks and throw in front of any rascal scooter you see, and the older ones will surrender.

    • Like 2
  20. 4 hours ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    And yes, traitor, it happened during the Obama administration because the treachery happened during YOUR campaign. Trumpkins are too stupid to realize that though

    If the DOJ under Obama comes out and says there are 12 Russian GRU officers trying to influence the election for Trump, Trump,loses his shit and claims Obama is helping Hillary by casting doubt on his campaign.

    If the DOJ under Trump comes out and says there are 12 Russian GRU officers trying to influence the election for Trump, Trump,loses his shit and claims the DOJ is full of Democrats trying to steal his election.

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