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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 2 hours ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    When a United States Congressman considers actual reporting to be over the line. 


    He's scared.  Can't wait for him to start calling everybody CNN contacts a liar.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Unconscionable. I knew they'd do it, but that's taking complicity to 11.

    The ONLY solution to this problem is overwhelming anti-Trump turnout in 2018. 

    I think he's creeping a lot closer to a Nixon-style Saturday Night Massacre.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    As if Germany wants to get its energy from Russia.

    As if Russia will attack Germany.

    trump really doesn’t understand NATO and what Russia really wants. 

    Trump really is the Aggy President.

  4. THere is no hope for Kansas.





    A local Kansas lawmaker is facing felony charges after she allegedly bit a corrections officer’s thumb so hard, she broke a bone.

     Huron City Councilwoman Carol Fowler, 48, was taken into custody June 29 after failing to appear for a warrant, KSHB reported. Police allegedly had to use stun guns because she was fighting back, kicking and scratching, the Kansas City Star added.


  5. 1531271818312.jpg?ve=1&tl=1



    A local Kansas lawmaker is facing felony charges after she allegedly bit a corrections officer’s thumb so hard, she broke a bone.

    Huron City Councilwoman Carol Fowler, 48, was taken into custody June 29 after failing to appear for a warrant, KSHB reported. Police allegedly had to use stun guns because she was fighting back, kicking and scratching, the Kansas City Star added.

    On July 2, while in custody, Fowler refused to follow booking process instructions and when Atchison County Jail staff tried to remove her jewelry and personal items, she bit down on one of the officer’s thumb, breaking the bone, 


  6. Cruz better avoid any and all debates, because there’s three areas he could get hammered on:

    1. in 2016, who was lying, Cruz or Trump, and also, why did Cruz eventually kiss the ring, given Trump’s treatment of his wife and father.  If you’re gonna represent Texas, act like it.
    2. Cambridge Analytica
    3. Family separations - why isn’t he going balls to-the-wall on this one.
  7. https://www.thedailybeast.com/government-told-immigrant-parents-to-pay-for-dna-tests-to-be-reunited-with-kids-advocate


    Government Told Immigrant Parents to Pay for DNA Tests to Be Reunited With Kids: Advocate

    Authorities separated families and took their documents, leaving genetic tests as the only way to verify who they are. And a secret contractor is doing the work.

    DALLAS—U.S. government officials recently told four immigrant women that they must pay for DNA tests in order to be reunited with their children, according to the shelter that housed the women. 

    The tests are the latest ad hoc effort by the Trump administration to reunite families it had separated—in some cases because authorities took documents from adults proving they are related to their children. The tests are being administered by a private contractor on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement, which oversees the care and housing of children. HHS has refused to name the contractor, which may be a violation of federal law.

    “None of them have the money [for the tests], so it’s going to fall back on us to push back on that,” said Ruben Garcia, the director of Annunciation House, an immigrant shelter in El Paso where the women are staying.

    Three of the women are mothers of the children, Garcia said, and the fourth is attempting to reunite with her brother, a three and half-year-old boy. 

    Iliana Holguin, an immigration attorney in El Paso who works with Annunciation House, said the government made some of her clients pay between $700 to $800 to prove their relationship to a relative as part of their citizenship cases. 

    “The government wants the parents to foot the bill for the DNA testing when they’re the ones that caused the need for DNA testing,” Holguin said. “It’s incredible.”

    The Office of Refugee Resettlement, responsible for the DNA testing, told The Daily Beast it “provides DNA testing at no cost to verify parentage.”

    Solution for Self-Imposed Problem

    ORR requires DNA testing in some cases to verify adult immigrants are related to children in ORR’s custody, before the children can be released to the adults who have either been paroled or are to be deported. The tests are often required, according Garcia, when parents’ have had their paperwork regarding their children taken by Customs and Border Patrol or Immigration and Customs Enforcement. (CBP and ICE did not immediately respond to requests for comment.)

    “When these families come in, Customs and Border Protection takes away the documents from parents and puts them in their file,” Garcia said. “In the cases where they’ve been separated from their children, ORR then says, ‘You’re going to need to provide the documents that CBP took.’”

    And when the immigrants can’t, Garcia said, ORR tells parents they must take a DNA test. 

    It’s unclear how many immigrants have been told they’d have to pay for DNA tests. Other immigration attorneys reached by The Daily Beast said their clients had not been asked to pay for DNA tests.

    Garcia said that the tests likely cost money that many immigrants entering the country with little more than the clothes on their backs don’t have. 


    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, RayDog said:

    The recent Emerson poll showed a generic ballot of 49 to 42 favoring Democrats but in the Midwest states it was 52 to 38. There appears to be backlash against Trump in the Midwestern states.

    Just wait until we see the full trade war kick in.  Plenty of crops still in the field that will need to be sold somewhere.

  9. 2 hours ago, Skyline said:

    Dems will need all the help they can get. If this trend continues to hold then they will need another news-y cycle in the fall. 

    Trump administration can barely reunite any families, which is only going to become a bigger clusterfuck and drive more women to the polls. And we haven’t seen anything close to the full impact of Trump’s trade war or how the Russian stuff shakes out.

  10. 1 hour ago, Chad Fuck said:

    And conflating security with economy/NATO with EU.  They're not all the same.  He may know that, but I doubt the rubes care.

    He also doesn’t understand that our own personal defense is a part of that number. Our 11 or so aircraft carriers aren’t all defending NATO.  

  11. 13 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    No doubt.  


    I’ll share this with the caveat that 2016 showed polling is flawed and that I think Dems will outperform polls in midterms. 


    So they are using SurveyMonkey.  Where have I heard of that company...oh yeah.



    SurveyMonkey Shows Hillary Clinton as Likely Victor for 2016 Election, the Democrat Has Advantages Across All Battlegrounds in Final Hours

    Unprecedented Polling Effort Across 97 Races Shows Democrats Also Poised to Take Senate

    Palo Alto, California, November 7, 2016 — Today, SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading online survey platform, released final polling estimates for the 2016 presidential, U.S. Senate and gubernatorial elections. Just ahead of tomorrow’s election, SurveyMonkey and NBC News showed Hillary Clinton with a clear and consistent national lead, beating Donald Trump 47 to 41 percent, with 6 percent for Libertarian Gary Johnson and 3 percent for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

    “Our polls have shown Clinton’s lead in the national popular vote to be remarkably stable despite the many apparent twists and turns in the campaign,” said Jon Cohen, SurveyMonkey’s Chief Research Officer. “All fall, Clinton has maintained a lead over Trump, with her margin hovering in a narrow band between 4 and 6 percentage points.”

    Which proves your point.  

    Although I think Axios is playing up clickbait as well.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    So I see that Trump said that talking with Putin may be easier than talking to NATO and the UK.

    Can anybody tell me what the fuck this asshole is doing and why?

    He’s a draft dodger who shit on Vietnam POWs and a Gold Star family.

    This is who the GOP wanted to represent them.

  13. 8 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    and this is where the republican party massively misses the boat. immigrant populations tend to be far more conservative in general - because they value hard work, financial discipline, etc.  but instead of thinking longer term, they just seek to galvanize their base by villainizing immigrant invaders.

    And people like Trump will never understand why so many conservative churches/religious organizations pushed back publicly and privately against the family separations. Those immigrants are fresh blood for existing churches in the US, whose numbers have been declining.  Religion is one of those things that help immigrants out a great deal when they make the move, whether it’s Hispanics from South America here in 2018, Germans in the 1850s, or the fucking Irishmen in the 1840s.

  14. Our military spending is not because we are being forced to pick up any slack.  It’s there because A) the military industrial complex lobbies the hell out of Congress and B) to keep various global markets open and stable for American business interests (who also lobby Congress).

    Sure, over the decades we talked a good game about freedom and liberty, but at the end of the day, we wouldn’t be heavily involved in places like the Middle East and North Africa if there were no natural resources for us to exploit or markets wanting our goods.

    • Like 3
  15. 8 hours ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Been hearing that one for a couple of decades now. You keep fucking that chicken. Come talk to me after Cruz blasts Beto (Robert) O Dourke guy by 10+

    Decades?   I know it’s fun to put the blinders on and pretend like Texas is some kind of Republican bastion, but two decades ago, while the US Senators may have been R, Texas was run by Democrats.

    And  that was before white people in Texas dropped below 50% of the state back in 2005.

    By 2010, whites were making up around 45% of the state.

    Texas was blue in our lifetimes, and it’s going to be again  


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