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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 1 hour ago, zork said:

    Are you sure the dates are right on this?  Hadn't the server been bleach bit'd well before this?


    I think the hacking occurred well before Trump made the flippant remark in the press conference in July of 2016.  Largely because the server was not up and running in July of 2016.  Is that right?

    Maybe if there had not been as much immunity given, with more of a Mueller style approach instead?  

    You can wipe the original host server, but if I hack the accounts/computers of those who accessed it and more importantly, used it, I can reconstruct much of the email traffic that crossed it.  All of it if I’m patient and her friends were dumbasses.

    Remember, Hillary’s pet stored thousands of emails on the same laptop her roommate used for sending dick pics to underage girls.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    So if the republicans couldn't get it right to begin with, what makes you think they will now?

    And why aren't they investigating now?  Who's stopping them?  

    What if those Republicans in Congress or running the DOJ investigate Hillary and find little to nothing that they can nail her on outside of incompetence/poor judgement, or even worse, discover the Russians hacked the shit out of her and the DNC and gave the info to Republicans?  What if they investigate and it later comes out that many Republicans have private setups they use to avoid the government getting their hands on their emails and dick pics?

    Far better to not investigate her so that they can bitch on twitter and to the media and on blogs about what she might have done.

  3. 7 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Release the fucking tape. F the $un though. Yeah it's awesome that he slams the PM of our greatest ally while at the same time promoting that alt-right nut bar as PM. 



    Shoulda been him chasing a ruble.

  4. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/396820-kushner-to-join-pompeo-for-meetings-with-mexican-leaders


    White House senior adviser Jared Kushner will travel with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to meet with Mexican leaders on Friday, a senior State Department official told reporters.

    The official said that Kushner, along with Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, will make the trip to Mexico City on Friday to meet with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray and President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

    The official called the delegation “a testament to the importance the administration and the United States places on the bilateral relationship.”

    “The fact that the State Department, DHS, and Treasury, and the president’s senior adviser Jared Kushner are traveling together shows that this is a whole-of-government approach and underscores the importance of our relationship with Mexico,” the official said.

    Kushner, the president's son-in-law, has served as a point person for global affairs in the White House, meeting with foreign leaders and working on policies like a peace plan for the Middle East.

    The Washington Post reported Thursday that Kushner doesn't havethe security clearance needed to view the government's most sensitive information, which experts said could impede his ability to carry out his White House duties.

    The State Department official said the officials will discuss the opioid epidemic, trade, “curb irregular immigration” and ways “to combat transnational criminal organizations” in Mexico.

    Seems like an odd combination of people to travel as a group, but Kush has got this.

  5. 7 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    The wife took our daughter. Said the mall was packed and the line was crazy long, so she left. Luckily our daughter is just shy of two and probably didnt understand enough to get excited.

    Our 5 year old wanted to do it, so I took he and his sister to Barton Creek Mall this morning.  Got there around 10:15, and the main line was cut off with mall cops at the end, because they sold through their complete stock, and there was a voucher line (I think $15 off or something).  Somebody said there were people lining up at 8am.

    Pointed out to my kids that the LEGO store was just down the way, and they were more than happy to skip the BAB shenanigans.

    LEGO store was racking up the sales for parents with disappointed kids.

  6. @Cacti we weren’t exactly handing out stealth technology in the 90s, and due to the environment, I think it’s understandable that we flew a lot of the sorties.  If NATO air missions had been 100% non-stealth, I think you would have seen a fairly high number of aircraft being shot down.  Hell, they still had the smarts to shoot down one of our stealth fighters with conventional means..

  7. Quote

    Sources tell KXAN Curry showed up at the Texas State Capitol before the 2017 legislative session looking for work. He was hired as a Senate Sergeant at Arms. Sources say he moved here from Kentucky. 

    So people just move here from Kentucky and get hired on as a Senate Sergeant at Arms?

  8. Memories do admittedly get hazy. I’m sure plenty of guys here got thoroughly checked for prostate cancer every month or two when they were in high school.  Ask them about it now, and they may start thinking that those exams were odd and they may get a fuzzy feeling in their head and that maybe the doctor had both hands on their hips when they were being examined. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Paul Wesley said:

    By the time Mueller presents an overwhelming amount of undeniable evidence of Trump's numerous treasonous, immoral, and illegal acts, the Republicans will have spent a full year convincing almost half this country that the CIA, the FBI, and innumerable branches of law enforcement are puppets of "angry Democrats," or "the deep state," or "the left," or whatever. 

    Fuck these traitors.

    But it should motivate the other part of the country to get out and vote.

  10. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    OK, I have to question something here.  I think most of us have pulled those "all hands on deck" efforts where you work your ass off to get a project done or a proposal written or whatever.  7 days X 12 hrs is extreme, but it happens.  That's an 84 hour week.  I've done it a couple of times in my career, maybe for 3 weeks maximum.  But after that ALL theories of management tend to align on the concept that it's not sustainable.  You just can't drive people that hard indefinitely without suffering severe declines in performance.

    Are you actually saying that your team is pulling 7x12 as a matter of course, not as an exception to the rule? 

    It’s been a longtime since I was in (in the 90s) but the military can pull some insane requirements, even in peacetime.   We are at war, so many personnel in the military don’t get the luxury that civilians do of pushing something off until the next quarter. 

    Hell, the Air Force gives combat pilots speed. 

    And it’s not the kind of speed that Tom Cruise needs.   It’s the kind that keeps you awake and causes you to fuck up.

  11. I think it will be closer to 5 for Cruz, maybe less.

    Trump only won by 9, and neither he nor Hillary are on the ballot.  Meanwhile, Trump has done plenty to piss folks off, and his little trade war could hurt a lot of people here.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Skyline said:

    Then again, there's no one better at deflecting than the Trump admin. They will just roll along like nothing's happening. 

    Plenty of women already feel uneasy about him, if not outright loathing him.  It’s only going to become more pronounced as we see more horror stories about e separations,

    As incompetent as the Dems are, Trump has every intention of driving the fence-sitters off the fence and to the polls for them.

  13. 12 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Please, please, please let this happen.

    Nixon thought he was the smartest/sharpest guy in the room, and he was a helluva lot smarter than Trump.

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