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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 13 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    No doubt.  


    I’ll share this with the caveat that 2016 showed polling is flawed and that I think Dems will outperform polls in midterms. 


    So they are using SurveyMonkey.  Where have I heard of that company...oh yeah.



    SurveyMonkey Shows Hillary Clinton as Likely Victor for 2016 Election, the Democrat Has Advantages Across All Battlegrounds in Final Hours

    Unprecedented Polling Effort Across 97 Races Shows Democrats Also Poised to Take Senate

    Palo Alto, California, November 7, 2016 — Today, SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading online survey platform, released final polling estimates for the 2016 presidential, U.S. Senate and gubernatorial elections. Just ahead of tomorrow’s election, SurveyMonkey and NBC News showed Hillary Clinton with a clear and consistent national lead, beating Donald Trump 47 to 41 percent, with 6 percent for Libertarian Gary Johnson and 3 percent for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

    “Our polls have shown Clinton’s lead in the national popular vote to be remarkably stable despite the many apparent twists and turns in the campaign,” said Jon Cohen, SurveyMonkey’s Chief Research Officer. “All fall, Clinton has maintained a lead over Trump, with her margin hovering in a narrow band between 4 and 6 percentage points.”

    Which proves your point.  

    Although I think Axios is playing up clickbait as well.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    So I see that Trump said that talking with Putin may be easier than talking to NATO and the UK.

    Can anybody tell me what the fuck this asshole is doing and why?

    He’s a draft dodger who shit on Vietnam POWs and a Gold Star family.

    This is who the GOP wanted to represent them.

  3. 8 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    and this is where the republican party massively misses the boat. immigrant populations tend to be far more conservative in general - because they value hard work, financial discipline, etc.  but instead of thinking longer term, they just seek to galvanize their base by villainizing immigrant invaders.

    And people like Trump will never understand why so many conservative churches/religious organizations pushed back publicly and privately against the family separations. Those immigrants are fresh blood for existing churches in the US, whose numbers have been declining.  Religion is one of those things that help immigrants out a great deal when they make the move, whether it’s Hispanics from South America here in 2018, Germans in the 1850s, or the fucking Irishmen in the 1840s.

  4. Our military spending is not because we are being forced to pick up any slack.  It’s there because A) the military industrial complex lobbies the hell out of Congress and B) to keep various global markets open and stable for American business interests (who also lobby Congress).

    Sure, over the decades we talked a good game about freedom and liberty, but at the end of the day, we wouldn’t be heavily involved in places like the Middle East and North Africa if there were no natural resources for us to exploit or markets wanting our goods.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Been hearing that one for a couple of decades now. You keep fucking that chicken. Come talk to me after Cruz blasts Beto (Robert) O Dourke guy by 10+

    Decades?   I know it’s fun to put the blinders on and pretend like Texas is some kind of Republican bastion, but two decades ago, while the US Senators may have been R, Texas was run by Democrats.

    And  that was before white people in Texas dropped below 50% of the state back in 2005.

    By 2010, whites were making up around 45% of the state.

    Texas was blue in our lifetimes, and it’s going to be again  


  6. 6 hours ago, Hank Kingsley said:



    Trump administration can’t go a week without giving women a reason to get out and vote (or stay home if they are Trumpkins).  I don’t think he realizes that a whole lot of his base thinks things like formula and vaccinations are the work of the devil.

  7. 2 hours ago, Newdoc said:

    Don’t be so gullible.

    Admit it, it’s fun to poke the Alex Jones fans. 

    But I also wouldn’t put it past this administration to fuck up and send kids to such places. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Pancho Negro said:


    So were these kids being trafficked/sold by the administration?

    Hmmmm...maybe the Q anon people had part of the story right, but they didn’t realize who was actually trafficking the kids.

  9. 9 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    Can anybody think of a historical instance in which wealth was increasingly concentrated in fewer and fewer hands that did not result in revolt/revolution?

    I can’t think of a time when so many people thought they were wealthier, or at least more well off, than they actually are.

    For that matter, I can’t think of a time when so many in the lower classes actually think they will be able to reach middle/upper class.

    Both of these groups will be heavily disappointed at some point.

  10. 45 minutes ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

    After Trumps 500th tweet about the Russian investigation I'm beginning to think he's not coming off as an innocent person.

    His campaign manager is still in jail right? Ah, nevermind. Nothing matters.

    I think he’s trying to prepare his base for the day he decides to pull a Nixon and start firing people.  He’s too scared to do it right now, and if he can whip up enough hate against brown people to keep one or both chambers, he can run the clock out Wooster having to do so.

    But if the Rs lose both chambers, he’s firing people..

  11. 3 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I imagine a few GOPers are not happy to have publicly backed Jordan based on his initial comments that this is he knew nothing of these incidents in the 90s.  Now he says he perhaps there was talk back then.   What’s next?  

    Jordan may survive this but his chance of being Speaker is gone.  He’s too much of a risk now. 

    If Fox News keeps pushing it to the top, then somebody in upper management has decided Jordan has to go (or is gone) because they’ve heard more than the public.

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