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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 5 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Isn't the consensus that Mueller already has what he needs from Sater?  Is this just to stop people from googling it or what?

    Trumpkins believe Trump walks on water, so it’s not about them or keeping them from googling it.

    I’d bet it’s a lot more than Sater and the stuff in the article, but if it’s just that, it’s probably to protect the online reputation of that real estate group (or people associated with it) going forward.  They could be trying to distance themselves from Trump.

    If it was political, maybe the people behind it know something serious is coming down the pipeline in regards to Sater and/or those investments in Russia, and it’s probably aimed at 2018 and 2020, specifically moderates/fence-sitters.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Skyline said:


    They don’t run this unless their lawyers felt comfortable with it standing up in court.  These are some serious allegations that could lead to a helluva lawsuit.

  3. 17 is the age of consent in Texas.  14 if you’re within 3 years of each other.  Not sure elsewhere, but it’s legal here.

    14 is the minimum age of marriage, if the parents or legal guardian gives the okay.

    Do people not remember this stuff?

  4. 9 hours ago, lemonlime said:

    Are you suggesting that the way people practice their religion never changes over time?  Christians should live as they did in Jesus' time.  And Jews like it was the B.C. era.  And men and women should be  kept separate, bat mitzvahs can't possibly be considered a thing, and priests should preside over marriages of teenagers.

    In Texas, you can marry a 14 year-old as long as you have the consent of a parent or legal guardian.

    Most states in the US allow you to marry 14/15 year-olds with such permission.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    The only problem is that the easiest thing to do is scare white women. 

    The family separation fiasco is enough of a continuing clusterfuck that it offsets that.

  6. He’s fucking terrified of facing Elizabeth Warren.  I don’t think she will run, but it’s  clear he’s fucking terrified she will.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    "We aren't racist or xenophobic!   We support legal immigration; just not illegal immigrants because they aren't doing it the right way!"

    — people who support the guy who is kicking immigrants out of the military before they can become citizens, among numerous other measures to cut legal immigration and asylum. 

    Don’t forget, that guy is a fucking draft dodger who mocked Vietnam POWs and Gold Star parents.

    Today’s GOP: Proud to shit all over the military.

  8. 1 hour ago, TornACL said:

    I learned during my visit to my parents that the Democrats are running on a midterms platform that patriotism is bad. 

    Another thing I noticed, which I think is a generational thing, is my parents have their television on at all times. Like from the moment they wake until they go to bed. I know other olds who do this. Of course it's almost always on Fox News, sometimes as background noise. Sometimes muted. But ALWAYS on. 

    When we're in another room or chatting / visiting and I turn off the TV, they look at me like I am crazy. 

    This is the same generation that told their kids that tv will rot your brain. 

    Yeah, both my parents are like this (dad and stepmom Fox News, mom HGTV).   Lots of older relatives are the same.

    I’m a man, so I grew up not having cable TV and a VCR until I was in Jr. High, but at some point in the past 10 years, I started leaving it off unless I’m watching something specific.  Wife is the same.

    My relatives think it’s weird that we don’t watch much TV, and don’t watch any local or cable news, and don’t leave it on, unless it’s on PBS Kids or something like that.

  9. 5 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Elizabeth Warren is a good human being.  You may not agree with her ideas, but she honestly wants to help working class Americans and advocates policies she believes will do that.  Trump, by contrast, promises the moon to the working class and then stabs them in the back in favor of the rich and the Russians.  

    Being in Oklahoma for a few days, it’s not as surprising as I thought it would be as far as people voting against their own self-interest. These people would vote themselves out of a job as long as their team wins.

  10. 5 hours ago, Goredho said:

    I’m using a derisive label the right uses for the left.  The point is that hard left idealists like AO-C starting to unseat the Democratic party establishment could be the beginnings of the left-equivalent of a Tea Party movement.  That I see the dems breaking hard left in response to Trump like repubs broke hard right before them.  And when both parties are simply either alt-right or alt-left, and whichever way the centrists vote, an alt-* is gaining power — well, America is truly fucked then.

    As you said, there will be no olive branch.  When you get control, It’s time to finish the opposition once and for all.  I understand that mindset in response to what we are seeing out of our paraquat of a President.  I want nothing more than to see America rid of all vestiges of Trumpism. But it’s also a mindset that helped put him there in the first place and helps people continue to justify their support for him and his policies.  They want to finish you.

    So what do we do?  How do we avoid the Brisket apocalypse?  I don’t fucking know.  I’m just some asshole living in Colorado that drinks too much beer and smokes too much weed.  I’m personally going to aspire to the life of (little) Jeffrey Lebowski, watch the human parody unfold and vote straight Dem for the foreseeable future.

    Said it before.  If I was George Soros, Trump is the guy I want to win, because he’s the guy who will give rise to the left’s version of the Tea Party movement.

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