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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. It's already cliche to say so, but I think there's a sizeable chunk of the Trump coalition that will just never get excited about a Hindu guy named Vivek Ramaswamy. They'd choose him overwhelmingly in polls against a Democrat, but would they actually turn out in droves to vote for the guy? edit: I just read the guy's Wikipedia article and his business career sounds like a fucking joke. His company doesn't do shit and has never made a profit. It seems like he got rich by fooling other, even richer people into investing a lot of money in smoke and mirrors. Good for him, I guess.
  2. I know we've been in a topsy-turvy world for a while now, but think about how strange it is that we had a primary debate and most of the candidates decided to stand around praising the front runner. And then voters polled afterward agreed with that strategy. It's basically the exact opposite of what normally happens during these things, and what conventional wisdom says that contenders should do.
  3. He’s on CNN now? Did Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives get canceled?
  4. Watch out Putin, these guys are pissed. They might actually get within 250 miles of the Kremlin before chickening out this time.
  5. He's just a flavor of the month guy. There seems to be a certain segment of the GOP primary electorate for whom having zero experience, being totally ignorant of how anything works, and saying outrageous shit is attractive. It's like Ben Carson in 2015.
  6. Congrats to Falfurrias, I guess. Assholes.
  7. tokamak

    USMNT 2023

    Milan's jerseys remind me of this one:
  8. There's just absolutely nothing that a guy like Burgum can do given the current situation. We've talked a bout it several times in this thread already. Reading about him, he does seem like a normal human being. I'd be willing to bet that privately, he admits that Trump is a fucking ghoul. But if he comes out and says that, so what? The truly anti-Trump faction in the GOP appears to be on the order of 10% (and Christie is consolidating that group anyway). I'm no mathematician, but staking out a position with a ceiling of 10% support doesn't feel like a winner. So he has to dance around Trump. But what voter wants a candidate who's dancing around Trump? If they think Trump did nothing wrong (the other ~90% of the GOP electorate), they can just....vote for Trump. I can think of 4 reasons why anyone not named Trump would run: Interview for a Trump cabinet spot 2028/raise profile/sell books Hail Mary that Trump is somehow convicted/disqualified/keels over dead before election day Delusion Which category is Burgum? He's super rich and mostly funding himself, so I'd say primarily #4.
  9. Mazi’s having his welcome to the NFL moment right now. Seattle’s interior OL are grown ass men, not the same guys Mazi was pushing around at Purdue or whatever. The physical tools are fine. It’s up to him now to figure out how to be effective or become Taco 2.0.
  10. LSU fan: “we simply can’t lose the #1 player in state. If McKinley leaves, he’s dead to me” Also LSU fan: “we are entitled to land Colin Simmons and it’s not fair that we didn’t”
  11. “Find a river named Colorado and suck it 100% dry” does not seem to be a winning long term strategy.
  12. Question - how are the European women’s clubs paying for development academies, if they’re so far ahead? I doubt they’re swimming in cash. Is it kind of like the NBA/WNBA where the men’s side is so rich that it’s ok subsidizing the women’s side?
  13. I’ve only dabbled in this world because by and large my kids haven’t been super interested, but in central Houston where we live (i.e., not suburbs), it moves very quickly from dads coaching to professional coaches. Like, 8 years old or so. I don’t know of anyone in my neighborhood fucking around with volunteer coaches after that age. Now, pay-to-play is a separate issue. This is on the girls side.
  14. We could take him if it helps with his brother, Brandon Baker.
  15. One of the sites was saying a couple days ago that Texas is keeping in touch with a WR committed elsewhere. People on this thread did a little sleuthing and Gekyle Baker seemed like the best fit for the clues. I'm guessing it's that.
  16. It's interesting that current NFL conventional wisdom is that RBs are a dime a dozen, but on the other hand there seems to be a lot of concern that everyone behind Pollard and (5'5", 175 lb) Vaughn is a bum.
  17. My guess is it has a lot to do with bureaucracy and individual people lacking agency to act. They know what needs to be done, but they need sign off from 13 people and to coordinate 6 different agencies before something can happen.
  18. Nah, I get the feeling that Hudson is gonna break Tech’s heart. Someone random like Tennessee will swoop in and grab him at the 11th hour.
  19. Easy for me to tell other people what to do with their millions, but it would be fucking amazing if a PGA player refused the blood money payout and publicly asked PIF to donate it to 9/11 families instead.
  20. Say what you will about aggy, but it’s pretty cool that this iconic rock cover was photographed at their stadium.
  21. You make a ton of good points, but here's the USWNT's finish in every World Cup so far: 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 9 Spot the outlier. I don't think it's overblown at all to say that's a MASSIVE underperformance relative to the standard and the program needs a lot of soul searching. Clearly the rest of the world is getting much better, but that's just an excuse. Any dominant organization in any field has competitors coming for it. Either you act accordingly at all times, or you get complacent and eventually caught and overtaken. Where has the sense of urgency been hiding?
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