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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Goodman

  1. We are about to be salty, Tom is going to pull this off.
  2. Good for him and us. He's not a cancer, works his ass off and now has real teachers coaching.
  3. Competition improves performance & depth. Glad to have him back.
  4. I hope you are correct but I'll believe it when I see it. Stoops has a lot of traditional stupid to him.
  5. I'm sure Giles would push for it if he wants to come but I'd want Turner/Ike/Regis before Burris, even pre-injury.
  6. 2018 showed you a "decent" Kentucky team ranked high who could not complete a forward pass. Auburn sucks but every play is misdirection and it works vs. the ol'guard. Georgia's passing game is a Kentucky fans wet dream.
  7. Let me know when Kentucky's offense adopts the forward pass, then I'll consider them decent. Jimbo + Elko can win when paired vs. like minded opponents.
  8. Our boys are growing the fuck up. To think of what Tom did with a team of pups and average upper classmen, let's go!
  9. Yep, setting expectations with those two is satya’ish.
  10. You’re really going to give him credit for Cain huh?
  11. And because it's a terrible fucking idea Stew!
  12. Agreed but our primary concept this year should be, running the ball down their fucking throats.
  13. Luke should be an honorable man and quit the team as protest to his father.
  14. Good news, this is the first year under Herman where we have capable backups when our injury prone starters leave the game. No excuses for players or coaches.
  15. Well Northern MI trip was a success. Before the trip, thought I would walk most rounds and did not walk a single one, there were even push carts available at every course. Played like shit and loved every minute of it, perfect combination of fat & golf camp. Here's the recap. Thursday, arrive at Forest Dunes for 18 holes on the Loop. Play the Black and it's a blast, does not show any odd feel or playability as a reversible course. It was 88 and humid AF. Play putting course after dinner, par 3 was closed and opens August 1st. Friday: Cooler weather, humid and the bugs at Forest Dunes are a problem. Start the day with Forest Dunes, fantastic course. Front nine looks Augusta'esque and back nine has a Pine Valley look. Played the Loop Red on this day and it was fun, completely different look/feel than playing it as Black the day before. Very cool. Saturday: Play Belvedere in Charlavoix, now one of my favorite courses. Fun, challenging golden age golf design. Head to Arcadia for an end of day round on the Bluffs. Great views, miserable 5:30 hour round. Sunday: Bluffs in the morning and had fun since we played in 3:30. Played South course in afternoon and had a blast. Perfect round in 3 hrs. Headed north and played end of day round at Champion Hill on a recommendation by the Fried Egg crew. Incredible place to play for $25 twilight rate. Reminded me most of Pasatiempo for the dramatic land. My post trip stack rank would be: Belvedere Forest Dunes - Bugs keep it from #1 Loop Black Arcadia South Champion Hill Loop Red When I do this trip again I will add Kingsley, keep Belvedere & Champion Hill. Saves a bunch of money and it'll be all the golf I want. Charlevoix is a fun little village. Northport is another I'd like to play along with going to Marquette but that might be too much of a drive for me.
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