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Everything posted by RayDog

  1. Treatment is usually much cheaper than incarceration and with better long term outcomes.
  2. We cannot prevent having Fentanyl available. What we can do is have consistent purity and dosage to help prevent accidental overdoses. We can also lower the cost so that we eliminate the illegal drug trade and the associated violence. At the same time by making recreational drugs more affordable, we can minimize secondary criminal activity related to getting money for drugs. It would no longer by on the streets but in licensed pharmacies. We can also offer counseling and drug treatment options to users to improve treatment and lower the number of addicts. And, like in Portugal we can identify problem drug users in critical jobs where recreational drug use is not appropriate. As for guns, this would minimize the drug related gun violence which is a substantial component to the topic of this thread. The savings already outlined plus the improved standard of living for people currently caught up in drug use, drug trade or legal problems associated with them, will make legalization even more worthwhile.
  3. Once you strip away the religious, racist, and power grabbing aspects behind the development of laws prohibiting recreational drugs I find it hard to understand why those laws continue to exist. Fines and incarceration don't prevent the human desire to digest or inhale mood altering substances. It is the worse possible way, short of murder that was suggested earlier, to deal with the problems that arise from it.
  4. Beliefs are not rational thought.
  5. That is not my name and I am just stating a fact that those are 16 year old titties in that avatar in case anyone cares. I would rather not have them in the temporary memory of my various devices.
  6. And 16 when she released most of her video clips.
  7. It was nothing he did. NK changed strategy after they accidentally destroyed their nuclear test site.
  8. You and Duterte would get along.
  9. In Portugal the number of heroin addicts alone dropped 75%. Big pharma will not be killing each other, and they can price illegal distributors out of business as long as the taxes are not too high. Around 100,000 people a year are dying in the US and Mexico as part of the drug war. The solution is not more war on drugs.
  10. Recreational drugs can be manufactured very cheaply so they do not have to cost much more than beer or cigarettes. While some people may still turn to theft and prostitution the numbers will be much lower.
  11. Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001 and it has worked very well for them. They have good treatment programs as well including needle and methadone distribution. Their rates of drug use, drug deaths and HIV have fallen. We should adopt their strategy ASAP. But, I don't think it goes far enough since allowing a 10 day supply for personal use still does not deal with the large distributors. I think we should allow pharmacies to distribute recreational drugs at reasonable prices and methadone for free. That way we eliminate illegal distribution as well as drug related theft and prostitution.
  12. A lot of Trumps plan sounds like big government "solutions" that will not affect pricing. I like the pricing where I am. A doctor's visit with a weeks worth of antibiotics is $14 with no insurance, for example. Cialis is $18 otc, while in the states that was the co-pay. When it goes generic in September it will probably be $1. Note that I am a recreational user like many guys here. There are lots of models around the world that the USA could follow. We dont need to reinvent the wheel here.
  13. I once did a survey of Republican actors and I suggest they go with Vince Vaughn.
  14. From the original post setting the supreme court to 9 seats is a good one. To go with that I would give the senate a time limit (ex. 120 days) to vote on an appointment with perhaps a longer time frame for other federal judges. Term limits, yes. To cover gerrymandering require that states appoint a politically neutral body to set districts used for federal, state and local representation. I am not a fan of a balanced budget amendment since we need the US to participate in bond markets at the federal level. Maybe a percentage of gdp cap instead.
  15. I probably won't be counted since it is unlikely I will be in the US. I have no desire to leave the Philippines.
  16. Yes. My brother went to work for GTE right out of UT and has been with Verizon since that buyout. Since he was one of the few people left at Verizon who knew those old systems he ended up helping set up the transfer.
  17. Yes, based on What I think is the likeliest UN projections. Their mid range estimates have been too high over the past decade plus, and the low growth projection has been a little too low but the closest.
  18. Messer's stunt recommending Trump for the Nobel Prize failed to help him in the primary as Braun has been declared the winner.
  19. It is. We should reach peak population around 2045, based on the most believable UN estimates. Native populations in the economically developed countries already have negative birthrates and many are in decline. China's population for example will peak around 2023 and start falling fast. We will have a glut of most resources going forward and shrinking economies. The U.N. estimates do show birthrates rebounding later in the century for no good reason. The problem of how to stabilize population and encourage woman to have more children is already emerging as one of human's most important problems to solve. If we don't humans will die off within 1000 years.
  20. Now we know where Putin is parking some of his wealth.
  21. Angry and emotional? You are confusing Democrats with Trump Republicans.
  22. Democrats already know not to run against Trump and not to mention impeachment unless asked about. And then the standard response is to wait for the Mueller report and see what it says. Trump is destroying the credibility of his party and publicises it fine on his own.
  23. In the Penthouse interview Stormy says if she wins her lawsuit she will donate $130000 to planned parenthood in Trump's and Cohen's names (Daily Beast) The interview and it's fallout are going to be epic. Only 1 more day.
  24. The polling showing sitting democrats leading in every poll does not include the 8% predicted polling advantage. The same is true in AZ and TN. So not even factoring turnout it looks like Democrats gain two seats based on current polling, with NV bring a tossup, but likely 3rd seat
  25. Dems are running +8% nationally at the moment. If that happens in Texas it will be more than enough to put Beto over the top.
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