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Everything posted by Party_Taco

  1. Assuming the doll was fashioned after a young eastern bloc boy… Anastasis?
  2. Amazing to see old shows like Suits and Black Sails get completely new life on Netflix.
  3. Not sure how that wasn’t disqualifying… juror gets their “news” from defendant’s own platform?! Seems teed up for impartiality…
  4. I said fuck it and poured some 15yr tonight… At 100 proof it punches FAR above its weight. What a bottle! And, catching up on all the Weller talk, I will say that the first release of SB was probably the best expression of Weller I’ve had not named WLW. Ever since it’s fallen off, but those first pours were insane. Think I have a post here somewhere about polishing off the better part of the bottle in a sitting…
  5. FINALLY got to see this the day before it departs theatres and I’m so glad i saw this on the big screen. What a visual spectacle… the scale and use of color were simply masterful… I remain in awe, even if like others I’m also wanting for better character development in parts. May end up streaming it this weekend… there was just too much to take in on a single viewing!
  6. Finally got the boys out of jail for a test drive… the wait given all the timely turnarounds on new purchases is increasingly painful, but at least this was fun.
  7. I feel like there’s a rug pull coming… I hope that I’m wrong
  8. As someone who has a platinum card, is this available for business or is it possible to double dip?
  9. BWI is a southwest hub and 95% of the time it’s not like that, but I hear you. Love is wild like that… you feel strangled until you make it past the Starbucks out towards baggage claim.
  10. I was… unimpressed. Just straight ethanol with a honey accent. No, gracias. Meanwhile, I caught this in the wild last week. At $325 a pour I passed (lolz) but it was cool to see all the same. They had an Extra Rare as well for $800 a pour…
  11. Took us a full month to get a ticket purchase authorized and through HR for distribution… gonna be a scramble to get our team to the theaters before it leaves…
  12. Convenience has some LEGIT folks behind it… really need to get back out there. Love their sauce and have used it for years.
  13. All that trust advice well heeded coming back to bite a mother fucker…
  14. There seems to be a LOT of chatter about cans (non trust) getting approved inside of a month, with many turning around inside of a week. Anyone here have a line on what’s changed? I’m about to say damn the trust and just pick up a couple more that I can actually use instead of conjugalally visit…
  15. So, this recipe was lifted from YouTube and was a teenager following her mom’s approach. I needed something I could listen to on the second trip to the store and it was the first that popped up. Southern family, hence the “holy fuck that’s spicy… am I gagging?! I think I’m gagging” butter sauce. Though I found the lack of sausage interesting, the eggs more than made up for it IMO. Recipe called for them to be boiled separately, so most of the seasoning came with finishing on the platter, but they slammed and made for a tasty compliment. Anyway, here’s tonight’s orange and habanero salmon on a spinach vinaigrette salad with crispy salmon skin crumbles and side of spinach artichoke dip:
  16. CM had crab on sale, so we indulged…
  17. I would crush that right now…
  18. Had a hankering for some Billy’s on Burnet today… There are few BLTs where I feel a restaurant can outdo my home efforts, but this is certainly one of them:
  19. We really need to hang out… Anyway yea, agreed:
  20. Same… the best stuff I brought back from Spain and Turkey is starting to dry out, I just have so many spices is hard to keep top of mind.
  21. Fuck that looks good… some chorizo and buttered, toasted bread on the side and I’d be headed for a very satisfied nap.
  22. Going back to the Heaven’s Door picks, the one that Austin Shaker did last year is quite good. That said, with most picks these days if I can’t sample or it’s a known quantity then I’m usually out.
  23. Been a minute since I was in a buying mood, but it struck today and I found this one the shelf. I’m on record that their 16YO is a Top 5 Rye for me, so I took the plunge, having never seen this on the shelf. TL/DR this is a heavy BUY recommendation!
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