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Everything posted by markstanco

  1. Honest question: Why does that matter? Wont they just have a similar name that everybody will know its the Maxwell or Heisman or whatever?
  2. Ol R.C. showing us the best place to hide those bags of cash back in the day.
  3. Ive always thought being a pro team in Vegas would not have a good home field advantage.
  4. It’s fucking March and San Jose has 15 wins. This is concerning.
  5. It’s like being down to Kansas 21-0 in 2015.
  6. I’ve noticed for a good while that AmEx is going all in on the younger crowd with their tv commercials, TikTok, and IG. They are trying to get ahead of the game I guess, lots of yutes get a citi or similar credit card and rack it up. They are pushing points and earned vacations.
  7. lol on the reference. Didn’t click on the link but guessing it was the one where he got there at 2 and is skating. Looking forward to having an asshole on the team.
  8. UCLA was good for a top 15-20 every few years in the p10/12, they will struggle bus like Indiana or Rutgers going forward in the new conference. They will bring tier 2 sports and Olympic sports to the table of course, but that’s not a money maker.
  9. Calgary picks up Hans off waivers. He gone. Also, Tanny's flight has been delayed to San Jose so uncertain if he will dress. Fucking joke.
  10. It was mentioned upthread and long before that he doesnt want any NIL until he is the starter.
  11. I think they are (or were) top 50 in US News rankings, that has to be good enough to at least fall in the middle of the pack or slightly better. Maybe not, no idea on criteria to get in but USNaWR rankings probably matter very little.
  12. My sister (we can call her "no pics") was probably losing her mind when it was down.
  13. Childers is a bitch who hates Texas and he doesnt try to hide it. Cant believe any Texas fan listens.
  14. Same. Went to email to see if my PW had changed and nothing. It did (I think) let me change my PW though.
  15. CTRL+ALT+DEL for the broncos the next few years.
  16. Maybe a few on that random website called traitor or twitter or something like that? Hope that helps.
  17. Colt lost fewer games and won way more. Don’t compare that dipshit to the other two, compare VY and colt and then discuss.
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