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Everything posted by markstanco

  1. If this isn’t a gimme game, wow. 15 wins and a new goalie for SJ that gives up a lot of goals in the AHL
  2. He’s just not putting any pucks in the net. Seriously no idea on that.
  3. Little racist, but statistically likely correct.
  4. Shits flat in Lubbock yo
  5. Somebody correct me, but it seems like andy tried a bunch of stuff with his son like rehab or similar. If not, and most of us have kids, we would fight for them tooth and nail for their best outcome so I don’t fault Reid for that.
  6. Why? Dude made a promise and lived it.
  7. Maybe Im cynical or my sock is @Fud, but I think the D line next year wont be as good.
  8. I thought it was outstanding work as well. Apparently the artist (per comments) charged $300 and got paid $500. I would have thought north of $1000 for sure.
  9. No, Dallas for sure. And probably will trade up in the 1st to get him. And all of us Cowboys fans will be:
  10. Ratt was the easiest. Def Leppard looked easy but was a nightmare.
  11. cross posting from the BB sub. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=805874318251081&set=a.607640831407765
  12. Context: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=805874318251081&set=a.607640831407765
  13. Those arent triple A batteries they are hurling.
  14. Maybe they should join the WAC or the Southland Conference. They certainly are familiar with a lot of their teams.
  15. Baseball team will be there for 3 days next weekend and I bet it will be rowdy.
  16. What about billboards in other schools' towns? Has the funding been secured for this?
  17. That sounds like something Txtow would say
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