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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DigglerontheHoof

  1. If we had real football, it would be fucking perfect.
  2. IMO, Ukraine needs to do a shit-ton more of this. Hit as much Orc infrastructure as possible. Make the Russian serfs feel the pain. And if a few thousand of them die....
  3. Yep. There's no fucking way the rurals prioritize the education and health of their kids over their fealty to Trump.
  4. Pope's giving dictators a pass isn't anything new.
  5. I never had kids but I was one once and I don't recall it affecting me then, either (and my folks used to drag my ass to church every Sunday). I get up between 4:30 and 5:00 am every day, so it's always dark. As a motorcycle rider I love having 3-4 hours of daylight after work. There's nothing I despise more than working until dark. It's depressing as fuck and sucks ass.
  6. That's b/c during the Watergate scandal, the news was distributed mainly through newspapers and the Big 3 TV news outlets. All were bound by the Fairness Doctrine and TV news outlets were run as something that was a public service, not a profit center. Now Reagan killed the Fairness Doctrine, 24 hour news orgs are driven by profit and everyone gets their own version of the truth.
  7. #TeamDST Although, I really don't get how 1 hour change twice a year fucks people's inner clocks up so much. Maybe it's b/c I don't do the church thing but it's never affected my energy level or sleep habits. In short, other than the Sunday morning it happens, it don't make a shit.
  8. So you mean he can do anything he wants with zero repercussions? Just like he's done his entire fucking life? Yeah, that's what a lot of us are bitching about and we keep hearing how that's no longer going to be the case, as he cruises along with zero fucking repercussions.
  9. Even w/out being a pederast, making a 19yo a deputy seems like a really bad idea.
  10. As long as the Jones family controls the Cowboys, there will never be another SB win. In 2079 other NFL teams will be using this meme:
  11. JFC the commentary-praying was a beating.
  12. Paxton needs to get got, for real.
  13. Because the "Church" and Christianity have nothing to do with morality or goodness. It's all about power and control. Church goers are shit regardless of race or culture.
  14. It used to be that I tried to avoid AirBus and only fly Boeing. Now it's the opposite.
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