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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DigglerontheHoof

  1. For most of them, I agree. But, for my tastes, Topo Chico is a notch above the rest, especially the grapefruit.
  2. Fuck cops, every goddamned one of them. Oh, and fuck that fucking judge, too.
  3. Pretty soon every media outlet we have is going to be owned by fascist sympathizers.
  4. Yeah, I'm always hesitant to think of her in the same way of the other wing-nuts b/c of her rape. But, jfc, she needs help; she's not well.
  5. I bet a lot of Jews said the same thing in the lead-up to the 1932 German national elections.
  6. That's an awesome road to ride on a motorcycle, that is when you can get on it without 900 motorhomes. Hwy 92 in the Black Canyon along the Gunnison River is awesome, too.
  7. I love going over bridges but fuck tunnels, especially tunnels under bodies of water.
  8. Yep and Tucker Carlson is on that list, as well. I recall seeing some clip of TC in a fly fishing store up in the Rockies somewhere. A dude was confronting him about being a Russian troll or something along those lines. All I could think was if I'd been in that situation, there was a good chance I'd be in jail for attempted (or successful) murder.
  9. Hitler didn't start with the idea of killing 6 million Jews. He started out demonizing them and shouting how they were poisoning German/Aryan blood and then decided he'd drive them all out of Germany. Then when things started going poorly for the Nazis, he switch to genocide. History might not repeat itself but it definitely rhymes. JFC you're one obtuse individual.
  10. trump has said he will suspend the Constitution, round up, encamp, and deport minorities, and that he wants Americans to obey him like the Norks do Un. The motherfucker has TOLD us he wants to be a dictator. He hasn't racked up their body count but if he gets power again, it'll only be a matter of time. It's scary Americans don't see the danger this cunt poses to our Republic. So as far as trump goes, Dope sang it best: Just go Die motherfucker die motherfucker die Die motherfucker die motherfucker die Die motherfucker die motherfucker die Die motherfucker die motherfucker die
  11. Was it perverse to want Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, et al dead? We're just hoping the next wanna-be dictator doesn't get his shot so, yeah, I hope the motherfucker dies in the next minute. This is way beyond politics, it's for the survival of the Republic.
  12. His sacrilegious base will eat it up. At least now they can worship the Bible and the Constitution at the same time, while not understanding or adhering to either.
  13. It hasn't held up for me over the years but 6 yo Diggler loved it.
  14. NFL games suck there too. Jerry World just flat-out sucks.
  15. I got my first record player for my 6th birthday in 1972. My first two records were "A Horse with No Name" by America and "Brandy" by Looking Glass.
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