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Everything posted by alincoln

  1. Agree that the 4R SiB is superior to the SBS. SBS is solid though and a clear improvement over the SB, although it is overpriced ($18 more than SiB on the MSRP which is crazy). Knob Creek SiB, particularly the store picks, are solid.
  2. Much stranger things have happened than a couple billionaires buying out Herman after Texas loses by 31 to an unranked OU, particularly if Urban has agreed to take the job. I really don't think Urban is a good fit at Texas, although he is exactly what Texas needs. The culture clash b/w Urban & Co. and the softer than Charmin Texas athletic department, football program, administration and university at large would be highly entertaining.
  3. Good point re: OU. Even in the depths of the 80s-90s suck (84-97), Texas went 6-6-2 against OU compared to 3-8 post-Colt.
  4. Texas football was pretty damn good from 78-83. 5 top 20, 3 Top 10 and 2 top 5 finishes in 6 years. That stretch should not be included in any range of "shit Texas football." 1984-1994 is more analogous to 2010-2019. Back-end of a successful era followed by a coach who was in over his head (McWilliams and Strong) and then a smug asshole who thought he was better than he was (Mackovic and Herman). 84-89 was an unmitigated disaster that was attributable to the decline of the SWC, rampant cheating in college football and a bad hire in McWilliams. 1990-1997 included some awful football but also a few memorable and fun seasons (1990, 1995 and 1996). You have to go back to the 30s for a decade of football this joyless.
  5. The buyout is the only issue beyond CDC holding out faint hope that one of the worst decisions by a Texas AD ever (the Herman extension) will look better if Herman turns it around a bit. Herman appears to be almost universally loathed, which is very rare. Even the shittiest coaches and human beings usually have some diehard supporters. Unfortunately under current circumstances, the buyout is probably enough for him to stay on another year.
  6. R politicians have little influence over drunk fucking by the unwed, the predominant cause of abortions.
  7. Anyone try the ECBP C920 yet? Picked up a bottle on Saturday but haven't opened it yet.
  8. NBA ratings are down for a bunch of reasons, including the games being played in a sterile bubble, the competition on the sports calendar in September, the analytic-driven style of play, the hyper focus on LeBron which limits the interest of casuals in non-Lakers games and of course the injection of politics into the actual game environment. If the domestic ratings continue to suck in in 2021 when things are closer to normal (Biden elected, normal NBA schedule, some fans in attendance), the NBA is going to have some very serious problems unless they can increase revenue in China. I expect that ratings will improve but won't return to pre-COVID levels for years.
  9. Could get very ugly tonight. Lots of heavily armed low IQ individuals who hate each other looking for a confrontation.
  10. Downtown Louisville looks like it is preparing for a Cat 5 hurricane.
  11. There are good restaurants in NYC? Good to know.
  12. Jordan - Bogey, Double, Par, Birdie. At least he is consistent!
  13. Probably wishing he went out early tomorrow instead of today so he could have dinner in Dallas on Friday night.
  14. Oh dear. There was footage this week of Jordan Spieth on the driving range looking somewhat lost. It wasn’t helped by him being slotted next to Dustin Johnson, who was crushing drives into the ether. Now we see live coverage of Spieth taking the dreaded cart ride back to the tee after losing his ball following a crooked drive at 11. That’ll be three off the tee. And it comes after a bogey at 1. All rather sad for the three-time major champ, who has slumped to 63rd in the current world rankings. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2020/sep/17/us-open-golf-2020-first-round-live
  15. Ok. So one playoff spot (Ohio State) is now taken.
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