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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. Just had 10 minute downpour in Lakewood, near 360/2222. Clouds, thunder, the whole works. Damn strange.
  2. Well at least they getting more realistic with their expectations. They've gone from "three days to take Kiev" to "two weeks to take 700km of Poland".
  3. That's nice and all, but it's still Tulsa.
  4. I'm no detective, but I am going to assume a few things: 1. You are communicating with this friend via a mobile phone of some sort 2. Whatever phone this friend has nearly certainly possesses camera functionality Given those two assumptions, I am having a hard time determining why you are not posting any photos.
  5. Gutters? GUTTERS?? Hahahahaha...why don't you go get yourself some floaties and an emergency rowboat while you're at it? Build yourself a dam around your house? Save you yourself from ALL of that rain coming?
  6. What kind of asshole arrests Jim Spencer? The dude is an Austin institution. He should have called Jeff Ward, and had Jeff call Rosemary, and have Rosemary call Art, and got himself released.
  7. Has anyone ever taken the THujone roller coaster pic and superimposed their individual season W/L's on top of it showing the progress through the track?
  8. There is a bad ass smoked fish house next to that bridge. You can see a tiny glimpse of it for about a second in that clip. The place was featured by Anthony Bourdain and it is freaking finominal*. We stop there every time in Chicago now. *phenomenal
  9. I play golf every Thursday and Sunday and we haven't cancelled a round yet. There were some that were pretty spicy, but overall, it's not too bad. I keep a cold wet towel on my neck in between shots and remain vigilant about hydrating and staying in shade any time possible and it all seems to work out. I will say my average scores have ticked up in the heat but I can't make a 100% correlation on that.
  10. There’s no way she baked that in the mailbox. It *might* be hot enough to get it to cook a little but there is no way it browned the top of the loaf.
  11. Just checked the weather for Blanco tomorrow for my round of golf. Shockingly, there is a high of “only” 100 and the “Feels Like” temp is only 100 as well. May need to bring a light jacket or sweater.
  12. They started patrolling overnight earlier this month looking for irrigation systems running in the middle of the night.
  13. Ahhhh….a fellow NA student I see.
  14. It is 1/3 of what was spent on an "Emergency" purchase of a hotel at 3x market value that sat empty for more than a year.
  15. If some dude is in my yard with a chainsaw and asking his imaginary friend how many murders he's committed so far, my tolerance for bullshit would be razor thin and I'd have the gun drawn and round chambered. I'll take my chance with the Grand Jury before I will let someone in my house get injured or killed due to this DA's inaction,
  16. Oh, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want it and it wouldn't be worth that, but she'd do it. As a sitting City Council Member. Or kneeling, I should say.
  17. If you caught her after 3-4 drinks at Balcones Country Club or The Mill Bar and Grill, she'd still suck your dick for $1000.
  18. The magic number of 350 scholarships has taken hold and is now considered unquestionable truth in aggie lore and is a talking point in every discussion. I'd love to see one iota of truth produced about that.
  19. Feels sorta like we might be seeing the Russians really losing steam. And equipment. And ammo. And supply routes. And economy.
  20. Yes, after she wore them and masturbated in them on MyFreeCams. And then a few years later she was elected to the city council of the tenth largest city in the country.
  21. My point is that any maimed and mutilated Ukrainian child could just as easily have been maimed and mutilated by a russian cluster munition than an American munition. The russians are going to do that anyway, no matter if America sends more weapons, so you might as well continue helping Ukraine defeat the russians right now rather than worry about some hypothetical argument that may/may not come after the war is over.
  22. Russia has been using cluster munitions since this thing started.
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