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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. People thought Charlie losing would mean it would make way for Herman and then whipping ou for years to come.
  2. This weekends game is now postponed as well.
  3. I will laugh when Abbott somehow ties TxDot spending to cities that don't defund police and prohibit homeless camps and pulls all of that I35 money away and gives it Houston..
  4. That is what most other Texas cities are doing to Austin.
  5. It could be that they are jamming 60% into their stadium when they were limited by the State to 25%. Just watch any of their games and you can tell that there is well more than 25%
  6. What was the last transportation bond that failed? Austin voters typically did not approve light rail in the past, for good reasons, but they rarely ever failed to approve transportation bonds.
  7. Do you see me crying about it? I'm simply pointing out your hypocritical bullshit. You're just like this ridiculous council the spews on and on and on about affordability yet every single action they take adds more to the cost of living. Literally everything they do.
  8. You could start by not building $7.1B (allegedly) fixed rail trains. Your vehement support of that project should basically exclude you from EVER speaking about housing affordability in this city.
  9. Aggies lied about attendance numbers. No way. I’m shocked. This can’t be.
  10. Now show the vehicle miles travelled on those and tell me what is the cost per user per mile. Because I can tell you that the taxpayers of Austin subsidize every single rider of the red line to the tune of $20+ dollars every time they ride.
  11. Let me save you from speculating. They damn well knew they weren’t getting federal funds. But they sure as fuck told everyone before they put it in a ballot that they were planning on getting funds.
  12. https://www.statesman.com/article/20120901/NEWS/309008065 And none of that takes into account the money they spent on land acquisition and construction of “Park and Ride” lots that were actually just train station parking lots but not shown as Red Line expenses. Hell, they bought the entire track system that had been for freight use only and never even bothered to consider that as part of the cost of the project. But don’t worry, this time it would be completely different.
  13. Not really, actually. Maybe on schedule but not under budget. They had more expenditures on that project that were hidden As other types of types of expenditures. They also could not account for several hundred million when they got completely de-pantsed by the Sunset Review committee and nearly all of it was funneled to the red line.
  14. So you're of the opinion that the ONLY way to solve Austin's issues is to build fixed rail? You don't think there is any value in investing into busses?
  15. Let's take this exact proposal and instead of the train portion being downtown, let's move it to where it goes from RiverPlace and Steiner Ranch, down 2222 and into downtown. Think of ALL of those vehicles we could get off of 2222 and MOPAC every day!! Hell, I might be ready to vote on it then. But if we did that, then everyone that is now thinking about voting for the current plan, like the East Austin/Mueller group would all of a sudden become the "toxic" and "cheap" an "naïve" voters because they would see no benefit and would not want to increase their annual tax bill by $500 for something they wouldn't use.
  16. Then why is there roughly $900 million included into this exact proposal that is for bus service? If it is s broken that it can't be fixed, why is it being included?
  17. The view is great on your high horse. Just because someone doesn't to pay for something they will never use doesn't mean they are cheap. Like I said, give me a vote for a $900M bus enhancement project, I'm in. Combine it with a $6B train? Fuck right off. You want to build a plan that will only benefit the people downtown? Set up a TIRZ and have at it. But don't get pissy when the 60% of the people who won't benefit a bit from your overpriced inflexible choo choo project vote it down.
  18. No one has yet to explain where the magical "anticipated" 45% of federal funds will come from during a down economy and when more people are working from home. Very similar to the "anticpated" federal funds for the red line that were never even remotely considered by the federal government. So we're suppose to pony up $7.1B and just hope that the feds dish out another $3B? What happens when they don't? Does the project stop? Fuck no it doesn't. The citizens would be on the hook for that as well. If they had broken the project into two different proposals and put them both on the ballot at the actual cost to complete each one, one vote for the buses, one vote for the rail, they would have had a chance to build the bus portion of the plan. Instead, they lumped the ridiculously overpriced, wasteful and inflexible fixed rail into one giant proposal that will likely be voted down.
  19. Where do you live that you need a bike to get around easily? If the entire system is built, will you still need a bike to "get around easy"?
  20. I get around town just fine where I live and don't feel the need to open the checkbook to the tune of 10's of thousands of dollars over my lifetime for you to get around easier and me not reaping a single benefit from it, all the while reading about the waste and corruption that will be a part of it for the rest of my life. If you choose to live in the city center, why do you feel it is ok to have hundreds of thousands of people who choose not live there, subsidies you?
  21. Bumping this back up so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Thank you.
  22. This is beautiful. I thought I was the only one.
  23. Can we get the new forums into the list in the white strip at the top of the page? Just below the social media icons?
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