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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. Just paid up. Thanks for the reminder. I admittedly don’t keep track of when I haven’t paid in a while. Thanks for providing the site.
  2. No one at the Tank talks to her anymore so she quit showing up. Granted, I haven’t been there in about a year, but that goes back several years and I doubt it has changed. Now, there is quite a bit of overlap between The Mill, Water Tank and Local Outpost.
  3. I’d be willing to bet it will be at The Mill on Anderson Mill Rd., just east of 183.
  4. https://www.statesman.com/opinion/20201013/gerald-daugherty-austinrsquos-prop-would-be-boondoggle?fbclid=IwAR2Y6E3cKCrmAI897xCWOEiYeSCWuysHO_9rWlspsM7KalEDAhWACp5BnO4
  5. You mean the plan that cost 54 fucking BILLION dollars? And before it was even two year from the approval date they had already tacked on another $2B? That is the PERFECT plan to compare it to. https://komonews.com/news/local/sound-transit-abandons-pricey-seattle-light-rail-tunnels
  6. Someone told me that CoA debt service is a little more than 20% of the annual budget. Is that correct?
  7. This City approved $975M worth of bonds just two years ago and $720M in 2016 and another $300M in 2012. Are you telling me that only $200-$400M of that has not been spent? I am calling bullshit right now until you can prove that. Here is an article from one year ago: https://cbsaustin.com/news/project-gridlock/project-gridlock-whats-complete-from-austins-720m-mobility-bond
  8. Here are the actual dollar figures you can expect if Prop A and Prop B are passed. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/politics/project-connect/austin-business-cant-afford-prop-a-property-taxes-project-connect/269-56b27d54-00db-430b-81b6-5916b3115acc https://www.kvue.com/article/news/politics/vote-texas/election-austin-transportation-props-project-connect-mobility-2020/269-5d3f6c65-25d0-44a0-832f-010d8eda093f If you own a $250k house (i.e. - no one in Austin), Prop A adds $18.23/month and Prop B adds another $5/month. Closer to a normally appraised house in Austin ($400k), you are looking at about $38/month increase. For a project that only serves about 25% of the residents and won't even be close to operational for more than a decade. Fixed rail anything in this city, at this point in time, is a fucking scam. Additionally, the City still has BILLIONS of dollars of previous bonds that they have not even come close to making a plan to use. Let them use that before asking for more. Please vote "NO" for this horrendously wasteful bullshit.
  9. So a young cousin of a current ut player is this aware of the francione/Sherman era at a&m? The most recent being 9 fucking years ago? Right. socks are fucking retarded.
  10. Then again, you are talking about an entire field that achieves about a 60% hit rate on their forecasts and are never fired for it. Them being "the best meteorology school in the US" is like being the smartest kid on the short bus.
  11. I was trying to figure out the best place to put this link and decided Shank's thread was most deserving. The Five Worst Canned Foods You Can Easily Find In America: https://www.houstonpress.com/restaurants/the-five-worst-canned-foods-you-can-easily-find-in-america-6414240
  12. I feel like there are more than just a few of you that might want to consider taking a step back from college football fandom.
  13. Roughly the same chance as them all suddenly becoming self aware of who they actually are.
  14. The problem isn't that they have made four bad coaching hires in a row. That is what THEY think the problem is. Three of their last four coaches have done better than their entire schools lifetime win percentage. The actual problems are: 1. They have an inflated sense of their place in the hierarchy of College football 2. They have no realistic concept of progressing towards a goal and assume that hiring a new coach will automatically propel them from being mediocre to immediately winning championships and when it doesn't happen right away they change qb's and coach's before any progress can be made. 3. They still haven't figured out the vast majority of recruits have no desire to attend a college that has a 100+ year, lifetime record of around .543, surrounded by fake military charades and has serious racial issues on their campus.
  15. I mean, he wouldn't dig the grave but he'd certainly pay someone to dig it and keep quiet.
  16. Occam's razor: She's going to drink it all at "The Mill Bar and Grill" on Anderson Mill where she drinks every day anyway, and justify it as an expense for all of the people that "helped" her.
  17. Are they going to run a footrace in the parking lot at the next home game or something?
  18. Is the freshmen white and the senior starter not white? That might also play into it.
  19. Looks like you picked the wrong season to rarely ever drink.
  20. Well, he'll also need some "moxie" and trash talk pretty much non stop even when he is losing. But yeah, he's white. They'll love him.
  21. Do you understand how many tokens you get for doing that?
  22. We’re gonna have to throw. They are playing run all the way
  23. I think so. He isn’t running either. We beat the fuck out of him in the first half. Maybe it’s paying off.
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