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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goofyboy

  1. That shit is all over the west side. I’m south of Cinco Ranch. Pretty sure 70% of my neighborhood is Trumpkins that have no clue how things actually work. The loudest ones have the least understanding.
  2. I’m sure Merc and Lewis will make this kids day.
  3. What’s going to be insane is watching the Republicans blame the democrats next month when the child tax credit money stops. Also, fuck Joe Manchin.
  4. Smoking and booze will do that to you. I think he quit smoking (maybe?).
  5. “I have black friends…”
  6. The Child Tax payment has helped kids not starve. It has definitely helped some of my family members. My sister has two kids. That $550 a month is a big help.
  7. Troy Nehls (my rep) has nothing better to do than post memes on Twitter and then say he’s sponsoring a bill for 100,000 police. He voted against every bill so far that’s had money for police forces. Did was an OK sheriff, but he quickly became a GOP hack. His tweets consist of the border is over run, crime is up and Biden is at fault. Same shit, different day.
  8. It’s not petty when you have millions of followers. That’s ad revenue that was driven by him that’s gone.
  9. I don’t know if I would race again if Massi was still there. The FIA would have to make some serious changes, starting with getting rid of the ability for the Race Director to over rule regulations. You can’t plan a race when one of your variables is a moving target, because if a yellow comes out, there’s no telling what the guy might do. That said - I hope he comes back, wins an 8th WDC and a 9th constructor as a big fuck you to Bernie and then hangs around and helps George win one. I’d like to see Merc crush Red Bull.
  10. I’m not saying getting second / third isn’t amazing. I’m just not showering the main guy with champagne. [emoji16]
  11. The podium celebration in F1 has always been strange to me. I don’t mind shaking my competitors hand after a race, but why the hell would I celebrate him / her beating me??
  12. Merc formally with drew their appeal. Said they will be working with the commission. I hope firing Massi is part of the deal. I also hope they remove the race director can overrule any regulation. That’s a terrible regulation.
  13. I didn’t misunderstand anything. The race director rewrote the regulations and screwed the entire field, minus Max. Not much to misunderstand.
  14. Lewis Hamilton was officially knighted today. He becomes the 4th British F1 driver to be knighted.
  15. 202 Republicans are trash. I’m joining Brisket in that we are fucked. Until someone is either literally hanged or jailed from the top, I don’t see the US surviving as we know it.
  16. 202 Republicans are trash. I’m joining Brisket in that we are fucked. Until someone is either literally hanged or jailed from the top, I don’t see the US surviving as we know it.
  17. 202 Republicans are trash. I’m joining Brisket in that we are fucked. Until someone is either literally hanged or jailed from the top, I don’t see the US surviving as we know it.
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