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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goofyboy

  1. And the coal union wants it passed because they see the writing on the wall.
  2. The snobbery of these people is what gets me. Republicans tell people to get off their ass and get a job. Dude gets a job flipping burgers for 40 hours a week and isn’t paid enough to live on (thanks corporate welfare). Republicans then make fun of the dude and tell him his job sucks and do better. How? The guy doesn’t make enough to make it without government help. More education (which republicans love to say - go to school, learn a trade) costs money because fuck free education. Maybe if the job paid a living wage, that would help, but again Republicans - that’s socialism and get a better job come out. Who put Republicans in charge of deciding what’s a good enough job to be paid enough to live? Anyone that puts in an honest days work should be paid at least a livable wage.
  3. And then they end up in the hospital, taking up space and resources that are limited due to people with that line of thinking. So, the unvaccinated (by choice) are still assholes. If they would just stay home and die there, that would be great. Also, I have close family that refuse. Two nephews, a niece, an aunt and uncle… I have a close friend and he and his family aren’t (his wife has gotten caught up in conspiracies).
  4. Define normal. He’s functioning perfectly well for a man with a life long stutter.
  5. Yet again - the republicans on this site are perfectly ok with kids starving, the elderly not getting all the medical attention they need, etc. It must be nice to be perfect. What’s it like making all those perfect decisions to land where you did. Also, you guys are awfully judgmental and rather gross. You bitch about “punishing” billionaires, yet you have absolutely no problem REALLY punishing people that didn’t do as well at life as you. There is absolutely zero reason for anyone in the world to have 100’s of billions of dollars. None. $1 billion is a generational level of wealth that almost no one will ever know. The US can and should do better.
  6. Ok, fine, the winners of life get to keep $5 billion. The rest is handed over and invested in keeping the country fed, able to go to a doctor and not have to worry about going bankrupt, etc. I do not give a shit about billionaires. They do not give a shit about us other than how hard can we work for them.
  7. Considering Williams didn’t even bring a mule car to testing, I’d say a large gap.
  8. All of it. Everything over $1 billion.
  9. Agree. Someone hits $1 billion, that’s it, they win. Everything above $1 billion is invested back into the economy through infrastructure, health care and food for those that need it. The billionaire keeps his / her billion. They will be fine. Maybe give them two votes in every election as an extra prize.
  10. Agree. Someone hits $1 billion, that’s it, they win. Everything above $1 billion is invested back into the economy through infrastructure, health care and food for those that need it. The billionaire keeps his / her billion. They will be fine. Maybe give them two votes in every election as an extra prize.
  11. Abstinence only education means you don’t need any of what you just wrote. These assholes in charge don’t believe Women should have sex outside of marriage. Teaching anything besides abstinence goes against that and their puritanical insanity.
  12. Unfortunately, I do get the code speak. I really wish I didn’t. I really wish he was fucking stupid instead of a fascist.
  13. Unfortunately, I do get the code speak. I really wish I didn’t. I really wish he was fucking stupid instead of a fascist.
  14. Cut the chains of government? I’m amazed that a little authoritarian dictator is crowing about cutting the chains of government. He’s too stupid to see that means abortion is no longer illegal, which is one of his loudest talking points.
  15. They aren’t. The narrative is picking up that the GOP let’s kids go hungry, hates the sick and the elderly. The problem is that it is the same narrative. At least this time Democrats can point to an actual bill and say “SEE!!!”
  16. As of about an hour ago making the rounds on Twitter: The Jan 6th committee is apparently weighing the making of a criminal referral recommendation on Trump.
  17. I saw a tweet that apparently Biden and Manchin had a conversation late last night.
  18. Both answers are applicable. I can see your windfall point. There are a whole lot of others that don’t have a clue how it all works and all they know is that the $300+ a month is gone and the Republicans + Manchin are to blame.
  19. You mean medicine and science change and aren’t 100% perfect? I’ll still take my chances with team vaccine. Fuck being strapped to a hospital bed and possibly awake with tubes breathing for you.
  20. When that child tax money stops hitting accounts in a few weeks, that should get democrats energized. A family with two kids gets $500 - $600 a month. That’s serious money to a whole lot of Americans that is now gone.
  21. I like that they are up. Let’s me know to keep driving away from racistville.
  22. Not understanding economics is not a belief. Economics, science, history (actual history, not history of the Confederate Daughters), etc are based on actual facts. The message boards FB posts of these folks makes you question if they understand the basics of anything. A rainbow flag or a BLM flag triggers these folks into a full online meltdown.
  23. What fucking world do you live in? Compared to the rest of the industrialized world, the US Democrats would barely be center and most would fall to the right. The GOP has gone off the rails.
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