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Everything posted by NOMAAA

  1. fried has one through 4 against the cubs. nevermind. bellinger broke it up.
  2. Jake was on and was curious. It was good.
  3. Is Julie always half shit faced on the mom game?
  4. anyone else getting entirely too many commercials on hulu? last ep had one every 7 minutes it felt like.
  5. i loved the specs redemption high rye bourbon. that OKI is much much better.
  6. that is the superior bad news bears movie. let them play.
  7. yeah. somebody else trade for an aging slugger with a lingering ankle injury. its a wild ride!!
  8. maybe this guy should have gotten a show.
  9. jesus thats a bad beat. how do you let that happen?
  10. down 8-4 starting off sunday and somehow managed to pull off a tie and maintain the top spot. these end of season matchups do not fare well for anyone hoping for a new champ that isnt henrygandorf or derka.
  11. You want some? We all know someone at the bottom is gonna give gamdorf ohtani on Sunday so let’s not do that. Should be a rule if you’re more than 10 games back at the deadline no trades for you.
  12. Redteam. Pm me. I got a deal for you that will help.
  13. post it. will tell you if you ever need to worry about any of this.
  14. who is it now? mino, monty dononvan with ham and blake? thats not awful. i might listen to that.
  15. the fuck happened to that dude in san diego. shell of his former self.
  16. There are a lot of great content creators in dfw. Ben and skin aren’t them. Neither am I though. So who gives a fuck. Just radio after all.
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