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Everything posted by NOMAAA

  1. my chemical shitpants is maybe my least favorite band of all time. the bravery arent far behind.
  2. jesus. is JD still on the payroll?
  3. friend. michelob light is not michelob ultra.
  4. is this like michelob light?
  5. hopefully, fingers crossed, we get some winona.
  6. No but it’s just me. Maybe 40 is more accurate.
  7. was anyone elses atmos bill sky fucking high this cycle? i average between $20-30/month. last billing cyle was $140 and change. of course they are closed today, but what the fuck thats a huge spike.
  8. man i would love someone to walk me through staking the aave and ankr that i have. aave looks pretty straightforward based on their site. ankr, way over my head. this is a really dumb request but it appears you guys really get all this. ive just been holding and buying when i can. pm me if you can help. thanks in advance.
  9. Pulled 2 ofbp rye yesterday for $150. Small store that charges msrp (or under apparently) ordered it when I asked. So try that if looking.
  10. he thought he was getting the big bonus, but boba gave him the shaft.
  11. that will be interesting.
  12. The only really good cask finish I have had was the high west double rye fume blanc finish. And it’s incredible. The scotch was a drain pour. Banyuls, drain pour. Manhattan was ok but incredibly ordinary.
  13. I’m my experience with the finished barrels I’ve had 1 that was good. ALL of the scotch finishes have been drain pours of gifts to people I don’t really care for.
  14. yeah more or less. just curious what you guys would take in exchange. i guess it doesnt matter since everyone has different tastes. certainly not paying $850, but would definitely trade a few of the things i have added for one.
  15. what are we talking about bottle wise to get to that amount? i am just curious, sorry to bother.
  16. id venture to guess then that it would take a weller fp + others to get something done. really dont want to get on facebook to do this stuff.
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