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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. They’re collapsing all the way into the playoff. Bama is playing for their lives. Georgia is already in and they’re playing like it.
  2. I used to get the gizzards at the Town and Country in Sanderson.
  3. Hwy 90 is a much nicer drive scenery wise.
  4. I didn’t know B.J. Foster played for the Saints.
  5. Lat22


    I get it. Rip is a tough guy and Beth is a bitch. Let’s move on.
  6. Did anybody ever figure out why he just up and left a couple of weeks before the season started?
  7. God, I hate myself for rooting for Baylor.
  8. That was a great episode in an otherwise meh season. For 10 years, I never knew what the sushi chefs were yelling at us when we entered Kaneyama. Now I do! Irasshaimase!
  9. Watched the last 5 minutes. Refreshing to see guys trying.
  10. And that’s part of the reason I’m waking up outside of Richmond for the first time this morning. Fuck Houston. Fuck Harris County.
  11. He’s a penalty machine.
  12. I know it’s not Houston because there’s a real license plate on it.
  13. Lat22


    That was the special order Ranchhand that can run through steel gates at 30mph without scratching the paint.
  14. I would like to have seen West Virginia.
  15. Co-sign. It would be unprecedented but I don’t care. Fire him.
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