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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. Read it and weep suckas!
  2. This is a stupid take even for you, which is saying something. Go post more tits.
  3. I would love to drive that through Westlake bumping some trick daddy.
  4. My wife casually floated the idea of trading in her fully loaded expedition for a new vehicle. I told her it has 60k miles, brand new tires and is paid off so there is zero chance she is getting another new vehicle. We are taking that thing as far as we can before it becomes a money sink. Long story short, I think we are buying a Bronco.
  5. I had planned on relaxing this weekend then I saw this shit and now I am heading out to the ranch. Zero light pollution and a huge hill to watch from. Hopefully i can get a good view. I love the cosmos.
  6. Welcome to the "I ain't waiting to get this thing fixed, I am buying a new truck now" club. It is my go to move. Post pics asshole and congrats!
  7. This thing is in a market segment on it's own. It does things better than stock xyz brand, will likely end up costing a boatload and it will sell like crazy. The raptor is a perfect template. What percent of raptor owners do anything with their 80k trucks other than drive to their office and back in on the 4th try just to look cool? Also, I want one.
  8. The 3.5 turbo would turn the bronco into a death trap. A very very fun one.
  9. They usually fly the county and take pictures of the more recently sold properties. Those pilots know the county well and it is like an egg hunt. They dinged us but it wasnt that bad since it was a few small buildings. Prob thought they were big sheds not small cabins. Wouldn't take much effort to pull up google and fly a grid over a month. They will catch enough stuff to pay for the flight. They didnt use google satellite in our case as we have had buildings in place for over 2 years but google hasn't been updated.
  10. I have the HOA working to restrict access to the HOA private property by these STR. They didnt care till I provided some evidence of what these people do to our community. I have some stuff going but it isn't something I am going to put into public. If my plan works even partially, I may be able to buy the property from the owner. We will see. I am trying to stay well within the law but these things sometimes stray into grey areas.
  11. Supply/demand yo. I cant believe the lack of good boatyard guys. All the marinas mark the shit up or are just shit at what they do. I know it costs close to $100 a foot for a sailboat bottom job and it will not be faired in the least bit. Just a rough cruiser job. I assume that is what you would pay for a motorboat, maybe $80 if you dont care. Either way it is moot. At this point the only option is to get the hull out of the water or you are asking for trouble.
  12. The zebra mussels will still attach to the bottom paint in places and will just fall off at speed or can be easily brushed off. It is the motor/outdrive and any intakes that become the real pita. Just accept you are going to pay for it one way or another. Best option for you sounds like trailer for 6 more weeks, then throw it on a hoist. Those zebra mussels are some nasty bastards.
  13. If you can find someone around Austin to do it for $50/ft please post their info.
  14. For reference, 4 years ago I payed 6500 for a used hoist. It is rated to some absurd weight but the boat weight is around 6k lbs or so. I did install it myself with the help of our dock guy who is a close friend. So maybe 8k you can get one done today I would bet.
  15. I keep our 30' sailboat on a lift and would never keep anything in the water. The cost alone for a bottom job just ain't worth not keeping her out of the water. I have to paint the tip of the keel every few years. Just the tip...
  16. I am doing two IBC totes under the roof to collect and use the water weight to keep the roof from blowing away. We are up on the top of a hill and it is solid bedrock after a few inches of soil. No way to bury posts. Love that setup you got.
  17. I hired a guy to clear cedars last summer. Just gave him an area and said to clear as many as possible. The aftermath is some habitat for some creatures in some cedar piles and we had a small spring fire up for a short time in a draw below the clearing. My plan is to clear 30-40% of the cedar on the ranch. I can easily kill the small ones but may need to get a saw implement to clear faster. Cedars suck.
  18. I hate poisonous snakes. Much deadlier than venomous.
  19. SNL had this pegged 2 decades ago.
  20. PM me if you ever want to go out on Travis. I have access to two private ramps and some beach areas you can launch from. I would help a fellow sailor out. No stinkpots though.
  21. In mills county? On 70 acres or so if I remember correctly? Anyone notices and they are gonna get shot for trespassing.
  22. My kids favorite thing to do is get the blacklight flashlights out and go hunting at the ranch. The youngest killed 30 last friday night. Then he went out the next night and killed another 25 or so. There were probably twice that which got away due to being in a wood pile or rock pile. Fuckers are everywhere. One of those stupid field mice hitched back in my truck as well.
  23. I know exactly where they live and I already looked into buying the houses next to them. Neither will sell. I didnt tell them why but I do know one of the people sued the STR owner once so there is already no love lost there.
  24. So this is the best part, I got fucking cucked into going in on a fence with the owner because I thought it would help me not deal with these fuckers. Hindsight is 20-20. I had a chain link, I should have left it so I could fuck with these people more effectively. I have a new angle that involves building a fence along the front yard to the ROW. This dudes driveway is extra narrow and they can use the whole width now plus some. I am building an 8' fence right on the property line. I am taking suggestions but I think bright pink is in order.
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