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Dr Fear

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Everything posted by Dr Fear

  1. I wonder if they put down zero, or are going to put down $1.00.
  2. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/mexico-travel-advisory.html
  3. I found an explanation for this, TLDR: Argentina's currency is very devalued, so the publishers sell games for cheaper there. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/don-t-buy-steam-games-for-me-argentina-2
  4. ??? So, you are in Argentina playing a North American version and have to show you are in the US?
  5. Yeah, I unfortunately think Mexico should be avoided for now.
  6. Some quality prospects in the Josh Smith family and friends.
  7. Does Kyle Lowry want out of the game?
  8. I had to check the ESPN plus app to see if I had paused earlier, I know it's a bit behind.
  9. I gotta say, the jury selection episode of Lincoln Lawyer is the most accurate depiction I have ever seen on tv, with the exception of the strikes not being at the end, but that may just be a California thing.
  10. You really should have kept going with reasons not to go to the Northside location.
  11. So Gruden survived the NFL'S motion to dismiss today and the case will proceed to discovery. That means that the NFL is going to have to produce relevant emails to Gruden. Gonna be fun.
  12. Man, I would think the first overdose call to his house should have been a sign to move the operation.
  13. If you can beat 'em, join 'em? He had 2 catches for 64 yards with a 49 yard TD in the game last year.
  14. If you want to go cheap, why don't you just remove the broken glass and ride with a single pane. You won't be paying the electric bill.
  15. I've enjoys the last few MIs much more than the recent Bond films.
  16. https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/texas-judge-arrested-charged-with-cattle-theft-and-organized-crime/ Loving County judge arrested by the Rangers for cattle rustling.
  17. Earnie just said when they go to dinner that Barkley cuts his entire steak into bite sized pieces before he starts eating. WTF.
  18. Rough quarter for the Celtics!
  19. Celtics looks like they will win, what are we thinking for game time on Sunday?
  20. Finished up dinner last night, got up and declared to my wife "that Ogre that just killed me is about to be in the business end of a curved great sword" and walked out of the room.
  21. Grump's Rivers Oaks is open per their FB.
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