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Everything posted by JFKFC

  1. I am going to have to ask you to leave. I want nothing to do with Texas Tech, or its fans, ever again. It has always been an insult that you were ever on our schedule in any sport. You are dismissed.
  2. Why not ask everyone not to breathe and not to drink any alcohol that day?
  3. CDC just called me. He asked me to karate kick anyone standing up during the game for any reason. This means you will have to crawl to the restrooms. You have all been warned.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2000/09/04/arts/songwriter-s-racist-songs-from-1980-s-haunt-him.html In one song on Mr. Coe's ''X-Rated Hits'' CD, he rails against white women who sleep with black men, singing that it makes him want to throw up; in another, the chorus has it that some blacks ''never die/They just smell that way.''
  5. If you get a biweekly paystub you've already lost
  6. You should do 23 and me. Scott Frost may very well be your dad or your brother or maybe both If you come from deep in the pineywoods of East Texas.
  7. Poor people talking about poor people problems freaks me out. Please stop. If you talk about eating dog food straight out of the can I'm gonna freak out.
  8. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9ec15194-8d49-4237-9082-60b95a374b71
  9. I would had to ejaculate any sentiments prematurely, but we will be Okie Lite by at least 80 points.
  10. WVU can't snap the ball. Pitt can't block or punt. Should be a wing-dinger.
  11. WVU should give some serious consideration next year to actually practicing before the season starts.
  12. Thank God that Gorbachev isn't alive to see the Big 12 humiliate itself like this.
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