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Everything posted by JFKFC

  1. Tom Herman, if he were still our coach, would be working around the clock designing plays that result in a pass to a stationary Brenen Thompson.
  2. This is well hashed-out material, and many people disagree with me, but here goes..... I don't expect Texas to be able to find o-linemen or d-linemen in the portal that will be AA or high draft picks. Still, there is a lot of room between many of the people we will start and AA. It is reasonable to think we could get veteran players that would be an improvement for us on both lines. Baylor did a lot of things to help them go from 2 wins to conference champions. I am not saying their portal additions were the entire reason for their improvement...but...the portal o-linemen and d-linemen they added were important pieces in their 1-season turnaround. I would like to have seen Texas take a shot at doing the same. Also, I am very open to the idea that I am 100% wrong. Sark seems very confident that 2 or 3 freshmen o-linemen will be able to contribute right away in a meaningful capacity. He is a millionaire because of football and I am just some guy trying to pay his bills. However, I was very open about my concerns before last season and we went 5-7.
  3. JFKFC

    Ojomo on culture

    That is still too many threads.
  4. Other than oversized sunglasses, unnecessary belts and too much eye makeup, what are your type 5 women's fashion faux pas?
  5. All kidding aside, there is a lot of truth to this. These kids endure a lot of crap and I don't think the blows are lessened by being compensated via NIL. I don't think the kids in our program will be psychologically crushed if we don't win the national title or the Big 12. They know what kind of team we really have. But bizarre losses like the one to Kansas, and all of the public humiliation that comes with that, really hits these young men hard. Sark is in control of much of this. He can ad players from the portal at key positions to bolster the team. He can call plays that suit our players and not a system. He can hire the proper coaches and not retain coaches that have obviously failed down to an unacceptable level. It is very difficult to square Sark caring about the mental health of our players with the decisions he makes.
  6. JFKFC

    Ojomo on culture

    How many thoughts and prayers will it take for us to beat OU and Okie Lite? Can someone post a conversion chart?
  7. I would be thrilled with me or you starting over anyone who played offensive line for us last season.
  8. I strongly prefer QE. We upgraded - no doubt. I just don't like crapping on a kid who did play hurt and who, before he got hurt, was playing better than okay.
  9. I am no fan of Casey's dad and I can't speak to what his teammates thought of him or his punctuality. I will defer to you on that. I don't blame him for really wanting to start over a true freshman (who we now know craps his pants in games). However, Casey deserves some respect. He got us a bunch of first half leads against solid teams that PK & his clown show pissed away. My God, did you ever think we would attack a Texas QB who got a 3 TD lead in the first Qtr against OU......and who would finish that day with close to 400 yards a 5 TDs?!? The most puzzling thing is you belittling (and somehow having a ranking and saying it was at the 4th level of importance) of his thumb injury. Casey played hurt for us and the injury was real.
  10. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
  11. I don't know where to go to verify this information......have we signed all 85 offensive linemen yet that are said to be in the portal?
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