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Everything posted by JFKFC

  1. I submit they won't be in the club in its final form.
  2. I'm in the minority but I don't think they are safe. The bell will toll for them soon.
  3. You aren't wanted because of who you are. No national titles ever. No national titles in the last 20 years. No conference title in the last century. No conference title in the last 20 years. Past or recent, your results are bleak. You highlight some regular season wins here or there. Those are meaningless. Your "high" tv ratings are high because you play schools people care about, not because they care about ISU. You are being relegated to the level you deserve but you refuse to accept it. You have been stealing money you didn't earn for generations.
  4. You are not being relegated down. You are being placed at the level you deserve. Let me give you a real world example. Let's say there is a 20 year old college girl. She isn't fat, kinda cute...but no one would call her pretty. Because she drinks like crazy, is flirty and has no morals, she hooks up a lot. This continues through her 20s. Some of the guys that bang her are top tier guys (wealthy, connected, very handsome, high achievers). When she decides at 30 to find a husband, she realizes that none of the top tier guys will make a commitment to her. They banged her because she was available but there is nothing about her that merits a long term commitment. She will either marry a guy at her level (and wrongly think she is settling) or stay single and complain that there are no 'husband material' guys available. That young girl was me. I banged everyone west of The Drag and South of 28th street. I am living off of the money my grandmother left me, trying to get my homemade jewelry business off the ground. I spend my nights drinking wine and watching Netflix alone. I am the Iowa State of love.
  5. Let's think about UCLA's tennis team, 1/2 of their matches will be at home. They will also play some in town at USC. When you are flying, instead of going to Seattle or Phoenix, is the extra 1 to 1 1/2 hours to a Big 10 destination really that big a deal?
  6. CFB teams go up & down. It is about what you do when you are up. At its peak, Texas can win a national title. At its peak, ISU can beat a garbage Texas team 3 years in a row.
  7. If I remember correctly, it has been over a century since Iowa State has won a conference title, correct? I know it sucks to hear this but you aren't in the top 48.
  8. In your mind, does Texas Tech deserve the same TV deal as Bama? Does Wake Forest deserve the same TV deal as Ohio State? The gravy train is coming to an end. Schools like Oregon State and Iowa State that haven't done anything that matters in football for generations will no longer be able to ride the coattails of those that do. We are going to 2 power conferences. Unlike everyone else, I expect programs like Vandy & Indiana to get tossed and replaced. We will have 2 conferences of the best 48 teams and their 2 conf champs will play for the national title. Their best teams will meet in the most prestigious bowls. They will have all of the money and rightfully so.
  9. I saw this on reddit. If you haven't read the ACC Grant of Rights, it is a hot mess: https://cdn.theathletic.com/app/uploads/2022/07/01185531/ACC-Grant-of-Rights-1.pdf
  10. Can anyone get to that article?
  11. Let's go live to the CU executive session:
  12. ACC schools have a GOR until 2036. How do you theorize that The U will survive the next 14 seasons without getting any TV revenue. Are you that confident they can sue their way out of a GOR?
  13. You guys ever seen this? It is old, but new to me: https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/1635449
  14. I haven't understood anything posted on this entire page. So, now I am going to stress drink all holiday weekend. My family plans are ruined. I hope you are all proud of yourselves.
  15. I would prefer FSU & Clemson, but they are locked up.
  16. With the ACC Grant of Rights going through 2036, and geography now being meaningless in CFB conferences, can someone give me a reason why the SEC shouldn't call Oregon & Washington?
  17. Both Miami and FSU are tied at 55 in US News. That is 13 spots ahead of aggie. I work with a guy whose kid just went through the college application cycle. He lives in Florida. His kid only made a couple of Bs in high school, the rest were all As. The kid had an SAT score just under 1400 (1380 or 1390). He was telling me his kid had absolutely no shot at UF but they were hopeful for FSU. He was thrilled when his kid go in to FSU.
  18. I'll agree to a bet, and I'll expect to be paid if I win, but if I lose, I am likely to welch. I wasn't raised right. My dad always said to never hit anyone in anger unless I was absolutely sure I could get away with it.
  19. "Last year's Texas-OU bombshell wound up having minimal ripple effects" Other than causing USC and UCLA to eject.
  20. Some credible CFB media folks are saying they are hearing talk of the B1G and SEC going to 20 or 24 each. It makes the most sense. 2 super conferences who champions play each other for the national title. It's happening.
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