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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Walte464

  1. Pretty damn awesome to be able to watch this from the front lawn. I’ll need to catch up with my neighbor to see how the reaction was at the site after everything took place and when their next launch is planned.
  2. They aren’t going to have the same growth next year to prove that value.
  3. That’s exactly what happened, this is only the beginning, there will be firings and suspensions later in the year because they swept his actions on the soccer field under the rug and still allowed him to play football.
  4. Hit top ESPN headlines already, talk shows will have a day with it tomorrow.
  5. Proud to remember all the hopes he busted in UT fans hearts the past couple of years. He’ll kill it at a D3 college and make it to a practice squad nfl team somewhere.
  6. Edinburg player ran off the sideline and hit the ref in tonight’s game after being ejected for roughing the passer. https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1334684987296256002?s=20
  7. Lmfao, a draw is fuckin hilarious.... it was great showtime
  8. Any has fucked me the past couple of weeks, still don’t know why i waste my time on them
  9. Blew my parlay but won buffalo O27 2nd half
  10. I did this today for the first time in a long time, feels really good. Put mine back up for the first time as well
  11. Karma is a motherfuckin bitch. Open the damn windows and spray down the White House before Biden moves in, can’t have a competent president get sick due to the clown show that stayed there prior.
  12. Skeleton Donny is gonna be busy golfing tomorrow. He would like to make sure that you have cast your vote for the presidential election.
  13. Neighborhood just turned into a trump rally today. All the trump signs and flags on full view. Skeleton Donny decided it was time to make an appearance for all to see.
  14. 2 corral snakes within the same week, when I hadn’t seen 1 in years. I didn’t get a before pic on the first 1, he met his judgement when trying to go into my garage but now I have to wonder if there is a nest near by. 1st one must have been a parent because he was way bigger than the 2nd. IMG_2741.MOV
  15. The lowest common denominators are cheering at this clown calling their town a shithole and admitting that he doesn’t give a fuck about them.
  16. Leon is the greatest gift to aggy... such a garbage ass player.
  17. I’m sure it’s been posted several times but Spirit is squatting in the White House now.
  18. Donny jr is supposed to be in the valley today, is that trip cancelled?
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