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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TheBryMan81

  1. He switched his Crystal Ball picks minutes before most of them announced once it was obvious what the pick was going to be(which, fairly, is what most of them do), which in turn inflated his percent correct. So to him, they're not misses.
  2. It's called Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He's always the best at everything. He's gonna brag about it and if he ever has any evidence for it, he's gonna make sure you know about it (i.e. inflated correct crystal ball percentage). Oh yea, and nothing is ever his fault. Not him getting credentials pulled, not him getting fired, not him getting called out by trainers, not him losing his family. None of it is his fault, always the world against Hamm.
  3. "I just talked to his Dad" = "I saw his parents Twitter replies to mUThahustla and I'm gonna claim I spoke to him"
  4. Post game press conference made it sounds like osteomyelitis or septic arthritis. To paraphrase, he had a bacterial infection on his elbow that he tried to tough out, ended up spiking a fever, needed IV antibiotics plus a surgical wash out
  5. That's pretty cool. My Weslaco Panthers had George Ranch on the schedule the last 2 years... would love for them to travel around the state and play other teams
  6. I got a full academic scholarship to Arizona State.... and it is, to this day, my biggest regret that I didn't go to fucking Arizona State. (Full disclosure: didn't go to Texas either)
  7. Sometimes I think...."there has got to be a percentage of aggies that think that is the dumbest thing ever" 2% to be exact
  8. Damn, I just left Pensacola, that would've been fun.
  9. It makes more sense if you, you know, read the post I was replying to. I even quoted it for you. That being said, sorry for derailing. Just made me think of that story and wanted to share.
  10. In on page 2. It feels like it's been forever. Hook em!
  11. Story time I work in kind of a remote area and we don't have a permanent radiologist on site. We had one visit for a few days not too long ago and one of the docs in clinic asked him for advice on a read on whatever imaging that he had gotten on a patient. It wasn't completely diagnostic, so the radiologist goes, "Is the patient still here? It'd help if I could lay hands on and do a physical exam." The entire room turned and just stared at him in shocked silence.
  12. In all seriousness though, would definitely buy before the cease and desist
  13. I definitely prefer model #1....err, I mean.... shirt #1
  14. How cool must it have been for Britt Hager, given his status in our history, to get the call that his son had been voted team captain?
  15. So like every pass play ever called in VY's career?
  16. You shall not speak that name around me sir! Good day!
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