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Bat Guano

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Everything posted by Bat Guano

  1. Because they're playing Whack-a-Mole. That story got them through a news cycle. They'll deal with the fallout some other time, or not.
  2. Guggenheim in Bilbao. Do not miss it!
  3. Was he gallivanting* or cavorting? Which is it???? Either way, no 100 hour work weeks for that guy, it looks like. * (not 'galavanting,' for fuck's sake)
  4. Yup. Back the fuck off and make absolutely, 100% sure what you put out there is accurate. The truth is damaging enough to the Trumpkins; there's no need to run with unverified stuff when you can wait a few hours or a day, check it out, and make it stick.
  5. 1. Why should MSNBC correct Avenatti? He said what he said. People go on TV all the time and lie their asses off, er, that is, give their opinions about the news of the day. The network didn't report what he said as news; they put him on the air and he said what he wanted to say. Just like every other talking head they put on every day. That's the difference between opinion chat shows and straight news, or it's supposed to be. 2. Of course the Trump people are feeding bad info to the media to try to discredit them. It's the Dan Rather model - put a fake memo or, in this case, a juicy nugget of info that's hard to verify immediately, that is false by design, and if they swallow the bait you use it to discredit the whole story and the network and the entire mainstream media, if you can. It depends on having a willing echo chamber to shout about the fakery of the media, but of course they have that in spades. The nets should be aware of this tactic - I'm sure they are - but obviously NBC's greed for the scoop overrode their judgement yet again. Their own fault; they need to be better.
  6. One side doesn't give a flying fuck about the truth and lies to further its own ends. The media has nothing but its credibility. Lose that, and it's lost everything. All it can do is provide an example to contrast with the liars, and the only way to do that is by never making this kind of unforced error. This example is especially egregious because it shows neglect of such a fundamental tenet.
  7. All of this.This is journalism 101 - check your facts. First, last, and always. Any other consideration is so far behind that it doesn't count. If you're first to print or broadcast with false information, you fucked up bigly.
  8. Will Trump be able to appeal his inevitable conviction on the basis of inadequate representation? (stolen from Eugene Robinson)
  9. He doesn't care about the freight train. His ego and dissociation from reality prevent him from seeing the ramifications. And, he knows that his diehard supporters will stand with him no matter what, and that the only way he can be removed from office involuntarily is through impeachment. As noted, the Senate will never convict. He will deny everything, his supporters will believe him or use whatever self-deluding mental trick they can to dismiss reality, and he'll be in pretty much the same position he's in now - a majority of the country against him, with a minority of diehards that will support him no matter what. He's making more money as president than he ever has as a businessman, and he's not about to kill that cash cow. He will never leave willingly. Never.
  10. 1. He will never go away willingly. He will hold on long, long after a sane person would see the writing on the wall and hang it up. 2. He may very well be impeached, but he will never be convicted in the Senate. See 1, above. 3. He will run again, and will win the nomination. There's a pretty good chance the Dems will shit the bed enough to lose, and he'll win a second term. No republicans will vote against him, and it will look a lot like 2016. So: 2021 or 2025. I wish the predictions for 2019 were believable, but I don't see it.
  11. Then you seriously underestimate Trump's ego and the sycophancy of the modern Republican party. If he's not impeached he will run, and he'll win the nomination. Who will run against him? Of those, who will beat him? Who in the party will oppose him? Hell, Tahoe would vote for him next time around; just look at those glorious appointments and policies.
  12. Not a hedge, an expansion - lose an election OR impeachment, either one and he'll refuse to recognize it, or even comprehend it. Court challenge is a given; besides that, at the very least he'll whip up an absolute shitstorm of outrage among his followers, and he might very well go further, and refuse to leave. I truly wouldn't put it past him.
  13. Seriously? Odds of Trump refusing to recognize that he loses the election? Or gets impeached? I'd put it right at 100 fucking percent. And I don't know about the bucket o' slop or ammo, but we better be fucking prepared for it, because it's gonna happen.
  14. Watch more than the first 10 seconds of the video.
  15. If you don't mind a couple of drops of alcohol, put a dash of bitters in your Topo Chico. Gives it a nice shot of drinky flavor.
  16. There are some things one just can't ignore.
  17. OK, Michelle Wolf is today's outrage du jour. I haven't seen the routine; saw a couple minutes worth of excerpts, and nothing seemed all that shocking or out of bounds. Do I have to watch it, or can I skip this one and wait for tomorrow's outrage?
  18. Really? That actually sounds pretty good.
  19. Bat Guano

    Sean Hannity

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