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Everything posted by Bateshorn

  1. Man, you guys missed a real obvious one. Kurt Cobain must have really hated his A&R guy. I’ll do the Sturgill Simpson cover because the lyrics pop a bit better: Radio by Sylvan Esso does a hella job laying out the push to churn out hits.
  2. Sure thing, pops. Except it’s a movie, not a sporting event. Runtime can have a dramatic effect on the quality of the experience. That also happens to be true of sports. I’ll sit through 4 hours of a Red Sox game. I will not sit through 4 hours of a Royals game.
  3. it didn’t ruin anything. It was too long. That’s not a fatal flaw, it’s common to many movies. I rewatched Apocalypse Now with my sons the other day, and good lord that film needs a time edit. As I said, I enjoyed it. It was very entertaining, visually unique and interesting, and funny. It was also too long and, as my wife pointed out, Gerwig pulled some punches in the feminist themes. All of those things can be true. You seem to be unable to see message board posts in anything other than binary. That’s fine, if you want to believe I was miserable or the run time ruined it for me, you do you, boo.
  4. Or maybe you don’t ask much of your cinema. It was an 1 hour and 54 minutes. That’s not crazy long by modern standards, but I checked my watch at least twice. The Will Ferrell plot line could have easily saved 5-10 minutes, particularly since it added almost nothing after they returned to Barbie Land. And I could have used less Ken. If they had spent more time exploring the Toy Story 3 style storyline between Barbie, America Ferrara, and her daughter, I probably wouldn’t have noticed the time. There was a lot of gold to be mined. But after being beaten over the the head with Ryan Gosling doing his best Jake Paul impression, I began to start wondering when they would wrap it up.
  5. I thought it was fine, but noticeably too long. The Ken story line was good, but a bit over the top for me, especially if Barbie was going to more or less give him a pass at the end of the movie. I guess that’s what’s necessary to have a conversation about toxic masculinity in this day and age, but I was prepared to be challenged and wasn’t. Visually stunning and had some quality laughs. I’ve definitely been guilty Porsche- Kensplaining.
  6. Barbie. 3.5 out of 5. visually very cool. It needed a 15-20 minute trim. And 30% less Ken. His exposition was kinda ham fisted. I was very invested in the Barbie/America Ferrara story line.
  7. This season sucks. Nothing is happening. plus all the women on the show need to eat a fucking sandwich
  8. The owner of possibly the single greatest line in movies: That's Robert Ridgley ("The Colonel"), a solid character actor in his own right, in the back ground suppressing a laugh to keep from breaking up the shot. I guess Phillip Baker Hall had been coming up with these through out this shot and this was not only the best delivered, but one of the only ones where the entire cast and crew didn't descend into scene destroying laughter.
  9. It's one of the many reasons that when scolds bag on Love Actually, they usually get a proper "fuck off" from the rest of us.
  10. This remains one of the most beautiful movies ever made. But then again, I also think Days of Heaven is close to the perfect film, so go figure.
  11. Barry Pepper fucking stole the whole movie as Ned Pepper You guys are high if you prefer the John Wayne version. The Coen Brothers captures Charles Portis' sublime dialogue. The direction and escalation to violence in the dugout cabin scene is next level.
  12. Cooper was lead in Lonestar, which most cinephiles rank as John Sayles best film. Anthony James (RIP) was a second tier bad guy and henchman in virtually everything 80s and 90s:
  13. Michael Biehn had a hell of a run in 80s/90s Maggie Smith has to be in the running. She’s never the lead and steals every scene from every single movie/show she’s ever been in.
  14. Since my son is at Oregon and we’ve been white knuckling it for the last year, this is me: In Shoe Daddy we trust.
  15. See, Tommy, if you FAFO in a mirror three times, you summon Gritty.
  16. I’ll just say it: dude saved us all a lot of time and money on his discharge/punishment. He’s the NK’s problem now
  17. On a nice clear day, Mount St. Helen's is 100% worth it. As is anything associated with Olympic National Park. I don't stan for the Eastern Shore as much as most people around DC, but Easton, Maryland is very lovely.
  18. I'm tired of giving stuff from the parts bin to the Ukrainians. Let's crack out the good stuff and get some.
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