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Angry Gorilla

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. What was the place over in the same shopping center as Woody's?
  2. Her doing anything besides attention whoring would take a shred of intelligence that she lacks. No way she knows redistricting is coming up, or what that even means.
  3. Thanks, I should add those most in the group are first time skiers so there should at least be something we can try right?
  4. I've never skied before but am going to Beaver Creek around Dec 8, is that too early? What will the snow be like?
  5. Episode was great, but I did roll my eyes when the paralyzed barrel racer just happened to be going on her run seconds after Jimmy said he didn't want to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
  6. Boom in the House to drivetime with Bob, Corby to partner with Norm
  7. This show is very much Sons of Anarchy on a ranch
  8. His transformation from chubby party guy riding other’s coattails in his ear.y season to his stretch of dominance is pretty amazing too.
  9. Rogan only sent himself in because he saw the writing on the wall and knew he would be voted in anyway right?
  10. Does anyone think Snooki can really stay away? I bet she will be back.
  11. I avoid the politics board like an unwanted pregnancy, but if all the rants are like this I may have to stick it in.
  12. Shouldn’t the Coronavirus and Social Distancing rags be reversed?
  13. Marquee Pool reopens this Friday. Max of 10/cabana.
  14. I don't know the economics of casinos, but do the bars, restaurants, clubs, shops etc in the casinos just pay a flat rent or is there some sort of profit sharing? If someone spends $500 gambling, and loses $250, I know that the entire $250 goes to the casino. If someone spends $5K on food and club and shopping, and there isn't profit sharing, then the casino doesn't benefit from that beyond helping insure the tenants can continue paying rent. More casinos should add points for room reservations though. So far Cosmo is the only place I have found that does that.
  15. What happened to Harvard? Covid temporarily derail that?
  16. How crowded was your flight out there? And where did you fly from? I have a pretty sizable winning Super Bowl bet stub, and I was going to cash it in when I went out for the draft but that obviously got cancelled. I checked it the other day and even though I have it in a ziploc bag it is fading pretty badly. I don't want to wait too long until it's completely faded, and I don't want to mail it in and risk them not honoring it.
  17. That's what I was thinking. And last night confirmed my suspicion that the Bananas/Wes rivalry has been mostly manufactured the last few seasons.
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