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Angry Gorilla

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. I’m at the airport on my way to Vegas too. I haven’t been in 11 weeks. Where are you staying? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hopefully he gets included in all the trip and Campound going forward.
  3. She did get a great deal on pork chops though
  4. The best part about Jake (and everyone else that has sat in) on the Hardline is having Corby's normal segments taken away from him and giving to someone who actually prepares and isn't reading the article during the segment. Typical Community Quick Hits segment: Corby: A McKinney woman was hit by a train this morning. Danny: Did she survive? Corby: Uuuuhhhhhh, hmmmmmm, let me seeee, uuuuuh, no she did not survive. Danny: How old was she? Corby: Welllllllll, she was..... uhhhhhhh, hmmmmmm, she was 54. Danny: Did she have a family? Corby: Uuuuhhhhhhh...........................................................
  5. Libertine Social is great. And the chef is from Dallas.
  6. I saw the new Assassin's Creed coming out this year is set during the Viking era. Should be good.
  7. Any chance they move both Jake and Sirois to partner with Corby?
  8. How would Corby have enough clout to force anything regarding Mike?
  9. I share a lake house with my brother that is 1.25 hours away. I think that's the perfect distance. It's close enough that I can decide 15 minutes before work lets out on Friday that we are going for the weekend, but far enough that it feels like I am getting out of town. Between my brother and I, we use it probably 90% of warm weather weekends, and 40% during the winter.
  10. Just like playing blackjack with my wife.
  11. That's why the Crowline is genius. Add a bunch of alcohol and cut down all the calls into a 6 minute sound bite.
  12. Yeah Doocy's best attribute is being a punching bag for Gordo, but he's great at it.
  13. Donovan is great. Change afternoon drive to Grubes and Gribble.
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