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Angry Gorilla

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. I liked the format a couple of seasons ago where whoever got voted in could pick anyone that voted for him/her to go into the elimination.
  2. Crow line is much better when the Cowboys lose. Our DBs couldn't cover Steve Gleason.
  3. I got gifted a 110V as well about 10-12 years ago. Like others have said, it took forever to heat up (about an hour per degree). My model also couldn't run the jets and the heater at the same time, so if you got in on a cold night and wanted to run the jets, the temp would steadily fall.
  4. Yeah I think most are. I found this, but not sure how accurate it is. https://wizardofvegas.com/guides/blackjack-survey/
  5. Can't remember the name, but I used to ride my bike there all the time growing up.
  6. That's not bad. The only bad part was his hook 'em sign at the end.
  7. That's so cheesy and so awesome at the same time
  8. You can find 3/2 in almost any strip casino, but it's going to be a $25 or $50 min.
  9. The state of Texas deserves better than Randolph Duke
  10. Stirr may not last long, but I've been twice and it's great
  11. The night doesn’t start until someone kills a hooker
  12. I did like Charlie making a drink and putting cat food in it.
  13. LOL at Tony writing a letter to the president of ABC (NBC?) to give his list of suggestions on how to fix Dancing with the Stars.
  14. I'm guessing they agreed beforehand that if they let him be speaker he had to take one of their girls.
  15. Kayleigh looked pretty good up there smirking as Georgia got sent in
  16. If Leroy sided with the non-Paulie/Cara alliance, wouldn't they have had the numbers then?
  17. I think he was talking about the salt shaker
  18. Are you of the opinion that pasta isn't bad for you, or that pasta in moderation is ok?
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