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Angry Gorilla

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. The whole reason Dany met with Cersei was to show the people that she at least tried for peace and have them see Cersei refuse. I'm not sure how popular Tyrion is in King's Landing, but maybe she didn't want to kill him in a way that the people of King's Landing would find out about.
  2. The Gene situation will probably work itself out sooner than later.
  3. That looks good to me, I might move Georgia up. She always seems to perform well.
  4. Probably because Hunter/Mattie are morons and wasted who knows how much time trying to load a refrigerator onto their wheelbarrow, and breaking it.
  5. How many of you pansies have Instagram accounts for your dog?
  6. The work/reward ratio isn't worth it for crawfish
  7. The Night King knows nothing, he doesn't even have catapults.
  8. I've been agreeing with you in this thread about the ridiculousness of the theories you posted, but those aren't any more unbelievable than a boatload of haruken wielding red priests coming to the rescue.
  9. RIP Roosevelt. I know it's too soon now, but when you are ready, find your next buddy.
  10. Tomatoes (when not in a sauce) are disgusting. White wine sucks.
  11. Some great breweries in FW too. Martin House Panther Island Hopfusion Collective Rahr
  12. J&J is great, but if you are wanting to watch basketball their tv situation is shit.
  13. I’m borderline illiterate and am a long standing member of the illiterati. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Well possibly most of those could have been caused by his infatuation with doing Navy Seal workouts. Though that doesn't compare to the cheating/whoring/pill popping.
  15. Is it a known fact that only Targaryans can ride dragons? If that's the case, why would Dany be trying to talk Jon into riding one, and why would Jon agree to? At the time they both still thought he was a bastard.
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