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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. Naw bro- That @Wulaw Horn is right on point. This is fuckin Texas. You must be new here. We laugh at our lil bro to the east of us who is always trying to show us how much taller they are vs last year, even though they are still only barely tall enough to ride the big boy rides at the fair. However OU? Its the Hatfields and McCoys, Crips and Bloods, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader, Ali - Frazier, Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan. Yeah I said it. Tonya fucking Harding. We hate them enough to knee-cap them, and we did just that last year. Every single time we have a better team than them we need to run the score up just like they did to us. I was disappointed last year at the 10:15 mark of the 4th quarter when we trotted out Card and some backups. I wanted the starters in there still chucking it in the endzone all the way to the end of the game. All Gas No Brakes!! Fuck the Sooners!
  2. Proud papa moment- Kid made the phenom watchlist for vball for the second straight year. Last game she hit over .300 had 4 servicing aces, 3 blocks, and 6 digs on defense. She has hit highs of .471 and .750 so far this season at school. Against one of the best teams on her schedule she hit .395 and 18 kills. Not too bad for a 15 yr old. She is the best kid at her age group at her club and recruiters are starting to talk to her through back channels(can't talk to her yet officially). It's cool to watch her grow and play the game she loves.
  3. Thatguy

    Texas RB Talk

    Yeah, Baxter's problem isn't strength. He seems to abandon his keys quite a bit and he runs high. In high school, when you are a superior athlete, you can do that and outrun people to where you wanna go. Follow your blocking young fella and you will eventually pop one. He is trying to hit the home run each carry. Also, stay low and protect yourself.
  4. Despite what the coaches say he is on a pitch count.
  5. The thing people forget about playcalling at this level is that you have to call plays to keep people in the program. You can't NOT throw X the ball, or anyone for that matter. So sometimes Sark is calling plays to do just that. 5 and high 4 star kids will go somewhere else if they feel like they aren't going to shine here. The last couple games we could've run the ball exclusively, but we sure got Cook in and went to him. If you didn't notice towards the end of the game we got Worthy the ball. We got Mitchell 10 balls and only 7 to Worthy. I am sure he had a lot to say about that. At the end of the game we drew up some balls for Whitt, because he only had 2 catches. If you've ever been part of a program with bit time players they are always on the sideline complaining about not getting the ball. From HS to the pros. Sark has a lot of hungry babies he has to feed and these are the games to do it. Not next week. Which I think is part of the reason we look so much more fluid during big games.
  6. With the way he feels about us coloreds coupled with how many black people he is friends/coworkers with, he would probably love to wear that Tshirt Ole Jack is wearing in your link.
  7. There is some bitchass in the game thread. If you didn't watch the gane you would think Ewers threw 4 picks and missed eleventy billion receivers.
  8. I like the blatant pick right in front of the ref where he put a solid shoulder into the defender.
  9. He's not complaining. He is making fun of people for saying Sark won't let Quinn run.
  10. Yep. Quinn's story is like my daughter's story(if she weren't a type 1 diabetic) when she gets to college vball. Kid from nice suburb had parents who could afford good training so she came out good at sports. Lol
  11. They are from Southlake.....and no good backstory.
  12. This guy gets it. Sark is playing for next week.
  13. Slorch is the Jack Hanna of black people yall.
  14. Teams with gimpy QBs don't wanna run them so they sacrifice the backups to us....
  15. You still haven't answered his fucking question. How about doing that? He has asked a few times now.
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